Chapter 39: Post Wedding Rituals

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Maira's POV:

I am married. I cannot believe that I am now a married woman. The feeling in itself is so surreal that it is still difficult for me to grasp the truth. We have taken the blessings from our elders and to say I am tired would be an understatement. It's past 2 in the morning and we still have time before we hit the bed.

We step down from the elevated platform where the dais were placed with Jai holding my hand and helping me down. We are congratulated by everyone present.

I step into the footwear kept for me and look up only to see Jai looking here and there on the ground.

"Are you looking for something?" I whisper, not wanting too much attention.


"Looking for something, Jiju (brother-in-law)?" Realisation dawn's on him and he looks up.

"Well, seems we both know what I am looking for." He says smiling at my sisters.

"Well, if that's the case why don't you give us what we want?" Anaya raises her brows at Jai.

"Well, dear sister-in-law, why don't you show me my shoes before claiming a price for them?"

"Sure." Anaya pulls out Jai's pair of shoes from behind her and the expressions in Jai's eyes is not what I expected. He seemed to have expected this already.

"Ahh...Anaya, you know what, you can keep my shoes. I don't really like them, I have a spare pair of shoes which I'll gladly wear." He says smugly.

"Jiju, this is wrong. We have your shoes and we deserve to get paid for this. If you don't, we will not allow you to take our sister with you."

"Dear, sister-in-law, you seem to forget that this sister of yours is now my wife and you cannot do anything to stop me from taking her with me." The smugness in his voice not hidden.

"Jijuuuuu!" Anaya whined.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you guys ₹50,000 even though, I don't need those shoes now."

"No, we won't settle for that less."

"Then say goodbye to your dreams. Armaan shoes." He yells for Armaan to get his shoes.

Armaan comes and stands next to me and I place my elbow over his shoulder giving him a smirk.

"Whom would you wanna negotiate with?" The naked shock visible in his eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait! What is happening? Armaan?"

"Bhai, I told you, I am team bhabhs. Both your shoes are in their custody."

"You traitor. You betrayed your own brother, your blood."

"Bhai, I had no choice, I was ambushed."

" dramatic. So, Mr. Prince now tell me what are you willing to give in return of these shoes of yours?" Before Jai can say anything, I can hear people talking amongst themselves about how shameless I am for being so outspoken while I should be looking shy and keep my head down.

"Maira!" The voice tearing my attention from the gossip girls.

"What?" I lower my voice a bit.

"Seems like you don't have the shoes, since you haven't shown them to me."

"Don't worry Mr. Prince, your shoes are safe and sound, you just need to pay for these."

"What do you want in exchange?"

"Whatever you think my sister is worth is what we should get, don't you think?" Ananya says.

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