Chapter 46: I Love You

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Jai's POV:

It's late at night and I am waiting for Maira to come back. I almost laugh remember our texts and how I know Maira would have blushed and laughed at those. I have another surprise planned for her, well more like an information than a suprise but nonetheless a good surprise. I give her a call but her phone isn't reachable. I get rid of all negative thoughts invading my mind. She might be coming back and her phone might not be receiving any signal.

I wait for sometime, frantically moving around my room. Usually, it takes her longer to get back home on the days she decides to overstay, so it should mean that there is nothing wrong, right?

I am pacing back and forth and decide to give a call to the driver.

The number you are trying to reach is not answering right now. Please-

I decline the call and keep on trying calling on both the numbers. I decide to go and ask mom, incase Maira called her to inform about staying overtime. I descend the stairs and see my family members sitting in the dining area.

"Mom!" I call her out.

"Yes?" She looks at me.

"What bhai, did bhabhi not like your surprise, that you came here?" Dia teased me but at this point, I cannot be bothered with anything but to have Maira back here with me.

"Mom, has Maira called you?" I ask urgently. Hearing the urgency in my voice my mom pushes her chair away and comes next to me.

"No, she hasn't. Why, what happened?" Mom asks.

"Jai, is everything alright?" My grandfather questions.

"Maira's phone is unreachable and the driver is also not picking up the call. I am having this restlessness. I don't know, I am really worried." I can feel my eyes watering but I try to remind myself to stay strong for Maira.

"Jai, you are overthinking. Calm down, I am sure Maira is alright. She must be on her way back and her phone might be discharged." Mom seem to be convincing herself rather than me through her strained voice which only heightened my anxiety.

We were now sitting in the living area, food long forgotten. All trying to contact Maira. I hear dad calling the security of the building and according to them, Maira left hours ago in her car, making us feel more stressed. I contemplate whether I should call her family or not, they might worry unnecessarily. I cannot help but call father. It's nearly 10 at night, so I don't think they must be asleep.



"Jai, is everything alright? Why are you calling this late?"

"Umm... Dad, did Maira call you today?"

"No, she did not. Why? What happened? Is she alright?" I can here the desperation in his voice and his frantic voice leads to others questioning him about what's wrong.

"Actually, Maira hasn't returned yet and even her phone is unreachable and it's been hours she has left the office." I say in a rush.

"Why the hell are you informing me about this now?"

"We thought-"

"I don't care about what you thought." He hangs up the phone and I am more worried than I was before.

"He also doesn't know anything." I inform my family, my head hanging low.

"I cannot sit here when I have no freaking clue where Maira is. I am going out. Please inform the police and ask them to carry out search operations. I want Maira in front of me in next few hours." I howl before grabbing my car keys and making my way out.

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