Chapter 15: skating

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It's been 4 days since Hunter brought you back to the castle.

You've been hiding out in his room, with the occasional member of the healing coven visiting.

Hunter made them all swear to secrecy, so nobody would know you're there.

Wearing a cast has been pretty annoying. Sure it's your non-dominant hand but it's still a pain.

Luckily, healing magic works quickly. And today you get to go home.

"Don't leave meeee." Hunter whines as you fill your vile of elixir for the day.

"You're acting like we will never see each other again. Knowing us, it'll only be a few days at most." You roll your eyes.

Hunter sighs and looks up at you.

"Thanks for keeping me company." He mumbles.

"Thanks for fixing my wrist." You reply.

You look at him, instantly getting lost in his eyes.

You suddenly feel a chill down your spine and your coven tattoo starts burning.

"And, that's my cue to leave. See you, my prince!" You peck him on the cheek before jumping out his window, using magic to make a safe fall and heading back to the owl house.

"She'll be back Eda. I promise." You hear Luz's voice.

You look at the front door and see Eda and Luz talking while hanging up missing posters.

"Yeah, don't worry Eda! I'll show up soon!" You smirk.

Eda and Luz instantly look up at you.

"Y/n!?" Eda exclaims, running towards you and embracing you tightly.

"Where were you? What happened to your wrist? Lilith left so many letters for you-" Luz stutters as Hooty coughs up a pile of letters.

"I have... so many questions about Hooty alone.." you mutter in horror at the owl worm who is currently beaming at you.

You shudder and turn back to Eda and Luz.

"Lilith said she might have hurt you when she was the raven beast.. she blamed herself for your disappearance. So she's been sending letters every day in case you came back." Eda explains.

"Sending letters? She can't tell me..?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Oh right- she left with Gwen! I forgot you weren't there for that part." Luz mumbles.

"Well.. Lilith did break my wrist, but she isn't why I left. An... old friend.. came to visit and they saw my wrist so they took me to get help." You say.

"We could've helped you." Eda states.

"Well this person has better qualifications and access to better healing magic.." you mumble.

"Yeah that's fair." She shrugs.

Luz looks at you. "Well, if it isn't too painful, I found out you guys have roller skates on the boiling isles! I was thinking of inviting Am- wait no, not Amity that would be too awkward- unless it isn't? This is weird.." Luz mumbles the last part to herself.

You raise an eyebrow. "Did I miss something...?"

"....aNYways- I was thinking of inviting Gus and Willow to skate today. Wanna come with? It should be fine even with your hand in a cast." She asks.

"Sure. But you need to tell me what's going on with you and Amity." You smirk.

Luz's face goes red. "Nothing! I think-? Emotions are confusing!" She yells, running back inside the owl house.

You chuckle quietly. "Tell me about it."

A few hours later you head out to the roller skating rink with Luz.

"So... you were just holding the mouse and Amity kissed you? Of course she likes you!" You say.

"But what if it was a friend kiss?" She stutters.

"Luz, she literally said you snuck into her heart. How is that in any way gal pal best buddies friendship?" You flatly stare at her.

She blinks a couple times before her face goes red.

"Oh look! There's Willow and Gus! Lets go converse like normal people!" She yells, walking faster to reach them.

You chuckle a bit before heading over to them.

"Hello best friends who are in my hearts because of our wonderful friendship which I cherish because- friends!" Luz yells.

Willow walks over to you. "Is this about Amity?" She whispers.

"Yup. Did she tell you?" You ask.

"Actually, Amity told me. I've known about her thing for Luz since we played Grudgeby together." She says.

You chuckle and you all head into the skating rink.

Nobody is there..

"Woah! Abandoned roller rink!" Luz happily yells, running over to grab some skates.

You, Willow, and Gus follow after her, putting on skates and heading onto the rink.

"So there are roller skates in the human realm too? The more I hear about that place the more it sounds like here." You say, skating up to Luz.

"Yeah but.. there's no magic in the human realm." She adds.

You sigh and skate a couple laps around. It's been years since you skated last. When you joined the emperor's coven you didn't have enough time to come to places like this and have fun.

You skate back over to Luz.

"Do you have your phone with you? If so, play some music. I've been practicing a spell to make things louder! Plus you have good music taste, I've been stealing your phone to listen to it.." you mumble the last part.

Luz starts her playlist and you wave your finger, making the phone float in the middle of the room and the volume louder.

Music starts playing and you all skate around, dancing as much as possible without falling over.

"Y/n!" Luz calls you over from the corner of the rink.

You raise an eyebrow and head over to her.

"What's up?"

"I've been thinking about Amity a lot recently and... how do you know when you like someone..?" She asks. "It's just- you're older than me so you probably know more about this than I do so.."

Your face goes red and you think for a moment. "It's.. it's hard to explain. You think about them a lot. And I mean a lot. And.. and you want them to be happy. You love every minute you spend with them and hate when you have to part. You appreciate their flaws and you find yourself wanting to share every moment with them. Trust me Luz, you'll know." You explain.

Although, as you explained it to Luz, you realized something yourself.

You love him.

You love Hunter.

Of course, this isn't a new realization. Not completely.

Your feelings have always been easy to read, except for when you're around him.

You've known for a while that you liked Hunter but you haven't stopped to consider it until now.

Time seems to slow as your mind runs through every time you've encountered Hunter. Every emotion you've felt around him. It all makes perfect sense.

You love Hunter.

But how can one pursue something so impossible?

(1132 words)

This chapter was definitely not inspired by one of you readers going roller skating today. Anyways, if any of you have ideas for chapters in between episodes feel free to comment them! I have quite a few ideas but I'd like to hear from you all. I don't want to run out of episodes and have to go all hiatus without any updates. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

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