Chapter 2: Evaluation

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The next morning you quickly get your uniform on before heading out the door.

Today is the scout evaluation. Lilith, Kikimora, and the Golden Guard will be testing each scout working in the castle to know who's lacking in skill. Those who fail the tests will be put in training and replaced. Those who pass will be left alone.

You head out to the courtyard and see other scouts talking to one another.

You've never really made any friends in the emperor's coven. Or any friends in general. You sorta rushed through school and graduated before you had time to really meet anyone. You were always the youngest in every grade, graduating at the ripe old age of 14.

This made it almost impossible to make friends as who wants to hang out with the random kid?

That's the same case here at the Emperor's coven. As far as you know, you're the youngest member at 16 years old.

You join the crowd, listening in to a few conversations before being knocked back to reality by a shrill voice. Everyone goes silent.

"Attention! Welcome to the annual evaluation. I'm sure you all know how this works by now. Do well, you stay. Fail and there will be consequences." Kikimora announces.

"Due to new additions to the coven, you'll all be divided into three groups. Those who just joined this year will be with Kikimora. Those who have been here for 1-2 years will be with the Golden Guard. Those who have been here over two years are with me." Lilith explains.

Everyone quickly hurries off into their groups and you make your way over to the Golden Guard.

He leads you all back into the castle.

"We will be in the training room. There is only about 47 of you so you should all be able to fit." He explains.

As you walk suddenly a door bursts open.

A few witches run out and begin attacking all of you.

8 of the scouts with you quickly hide as the rest of you begin attacking the intruders.

You tie one of the attackers up and turn to the Golden Guard.

"Hey!" You yell, taking down another attacker.

"Aren't you gonna help?" You ask him. After all he is one of the most powerful witches in the coven.

You tie up a third attacker and he shrugs. "Looks like you got it taken care of. Besides, that was the first test."

You raise an eyebrow in confusion as the attackers disappear into thin air.

An illusion.. of course.

He waves his staff and the 8 scouts who hid fly over and drop on the ground.

"Looks like you 8 failed. I'm honestly surprised you even lasted in this coven for over a month!" He chuckles.

With one wave of his staff, the 8 teleport somewhere else.

"Now then, come with me." He turns to the rest of you and you all quickly hurry along.

He leads you into a large room.

"Line up. I'll be taking you all one by one to test your agility. Don't be afraid to fight back if needed." He explains.

You all line up on the edge of the room and he starts going down the line. With each scout he shoots lasers at them. You're last in line.

Eventually he calls you forward.

You hurry towards him and he begins attacking.

You swiftly dodge each laser

He chuckles a bit and starts shooting more frequently.

You lunge yourself in the air and land on top of his staff.

You grab onto it and swing backwards, kicking him down as you land, freeing the staff from his grasp.

You pin him down with your foot and twirl the staff around before chuckling to yourself.

"Impressive. I'm seeing a lot of potential from you, scout." He hums.

You remove your foot and hand him his staff.

"15 of you failed that test. This leaves 24 of you." He says, teleporting those who failed away.

"The final test for today is how well you can finish missions. I've written down simple tasks for each of you. You have an hour to complete them. Those who don't finish in time fail." He waves his staff and a piece of paper lands in your hands.

"You begin..... now."

Everyone runs off while you remain put.

After everyone leaves the room you turn to him.

"Why does my paper just say 'see me'?" You ask.

"I want to talk to you. You know, I've heard quite a bit about you. The genius child who graduated at such a young age and joined as the emperor's coven's youngest member! Or at least scout." He explains.

"I never thought you were worth the time honestly. But today has shown otherwise. Belos instructed me to find a scout today to take under my wing and I believe you're the scout for the job."

Your eyes widen.

"You're messing with me, right?" You ask. He shakes his head.

"You show a lot of promise. Your name is Y/n, correct?" He asks.

You nod.

"Well then Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow morning at 11. You may be dismissed for today."

As you head down the halls and back to your room you only have one thought.

What just happened

(885 words)

Two chapters in one night woooooo.
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm hoping to make every chapter as long as this one. See you guys in the next chapter :D!

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