Chapter 17: The date

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The next morning you're woken up to continuous calls from Hunter.

You eventually roll out of bed and hit accept.

"Please answer pl- Y/n! Did you just wake up? Me too haha I definitely was not up all night thinking about you nope- ok anyways!" He stutters.

You chuckle at how awkward he is. It's weird seeing such a flustered side of him.

He clears his throat. "So I was thinking of ideas for the date and-" he's interrupted by the small red bird from yesterday flying onto his head and nuzzling into his hair.

"Wh- hey! I told you to stay hidden!" He yells, shaking his head to try and knock the bird off.

"Hunter did you get a palismen?" You ask.

"No! Well- yes? Maybe? I'm not really sure?" He mumbles.

"What I was trying to say is, in 4 hours meet me at the entrance to town. Wear something fancy too~" he says.

He quickly hangs up after that and you fill your vile before heading downstairs.

"Hey Eda, do you know where my suit is?" You ask.

"In the closet, why?" She replies as you open the closet and dust it off.

"I got a date today. Well, see ya!" You start heading upstairs but Eda is somehow already in front of you.

"A date!?" She yells.

Luz comes crashing down the stairs.

"Date? Who? Y/n on date?" She stumbles over her words.

"I shouldn't have said anything-" you attempt to push past them to get upstairs but they grab you.

"Oh no you don't- cmon! Tell us who the lucky witch is!" Eda smiles enthusiastically.

Your face goes red. You can't just say "oh yeah I'm going on a date with the emperor's right hand man!"

"Uh... He's... someone..?" You awkwardly smile.

"Works for me!" Eda hums, walking away.

You run back to your room and set the suit down on a chair.

Luz follows you.
"Eda may have accepted that answer but I need more! Come on!!" She begs.

You sigh and look at her. ".. No."

"Pleaaaasssee? I won't tell!" She begs more.

"No. Hunter and I are-" you cut yourself off, realizing what you just said.

Luz's eyes widen.

"Hunter-? As in the golden guard-?" She stutters.

"Would you believe me if I said it's a different Hunter..?"


You frown and look away.

"If I'm being honest, I totally ship you guys! You're so cute together!" She smiles.

"Just.. don't tell Eda yet, ok? I'm not sure how she would react to... you know.. her adopted daughter going on a date with the golden guard.." you say.

Luz nods and motions zipping her mouth shut.

"Don't worry! Your secret is safe with me!" She says, walking out the door.

You sigh and pick up your suit. "She won't last a day."

You get dressed and look at yourself in the mirror.

The suit is a dark purple. You would've got black but this was all they had when you went shopping.

You have a black suit now of course, but it got a bit ruined when you were definitely fighting some demons in the woods and not pretending you were dancing with fictional characters from Good Witch Acura and you accidentally fell into a hole.

Cursed (Golden Guard x Reader) ⚠️ DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now