Chapter 1: the night market

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You walk through the vast halls of the emperors coven.

It always has an unnerving atmosphere to it at night.

You pace back and forth, questioning your next move.

You eventually sigh and enter your room.

You take off your mask and examine yourself in the mirror.

You trace your fingers over the dark blue scales across your cheek.

Your rummage though your drawers, eventually finding that one golden bottle.

You open it and drink its contents, the scales slowly disappearing from your skin.

You sigh in relief and put your mask back on, leaving your room once again and exiting the castle.

You walk down through the woods and into town.

Boonesborough is an interesting place. Especially the night market.

Rules are different during the night.

You eventually find the stand you're looking for.

"Well, well! What have we here?"

"Can it Tibbles. You know what I'm here for." You toss the small pig like demon a bag of snails.

"Mmm no can do sweetie. Prices have changed." He shrugs with a smirk.

You pull out a pocket knife and swiftly position it under his neck.

"Not for me. Hand them over." You demand.

He gulps and hands you a bag of elixers.

You thank him and start walking off.

You eventually reach your room yet again and hide the elixers before falling asleep.

(224 words.)

Hihi! Sorry for the short first chapter. There might be some grammar mistakes or spelling errors due to the fact that I'm writing this at a time I most certainly should be asleep but refuse to do so. Hope you guys enjoy this story!

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