Chapter 6: Grudgby

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The next morning you wake up... alone?

Thank titan. For once Hunter isn't standing over your head watching you sleep.

You sit up and open the cabinet to grab an elixir, drinking one quickly and grabbing a second one.

You grab a small glass vile and fill it with the elixir, tying a string to it and wearing it around your neck. Just in case you.... Turn into that again..

You sigh and walk towards your door when you see a small note taped to the doorknob.

Gonna be out for the day. Feel free to do whatever

-Golden Guard

You remove the note and change your outfit to a more casual one before heading out on a walk.

As you walk you start hearing screams coming from Hexside.

You quickly run over and spot a few kids playing Grudgby.

You instantly recognize one of them.

"Luz! Hey!" You run up to her, waving.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I was out walking and heard screams of terror. Figured I'd see what was up." You say.

Two other kids walk up to you.

"Hi! I'm Willow!" The blue haired girl smiles and extends a hand to you. You shake her hand.
"And I'm Gus!" The shorter male says.

"Y/n. It's nice to meet you!" You reply.

"So what are you guys up to?" You ask.

"Preparing to defeat a few mean girls in a round of Grudgby. Wanna help us?" Luz asks.

You shrug. "I got nothing better to do."

After a while of training you and Willow get flung over to Luz.

You look up at her and she smiles.

"Now for the Thorn vault!" She says, tapping what looks like a glyph.

"Luz wait!" Gus and Willow yell.

"The what?" You ask.

Suddenly a giant vine bursts from the ground, flinging you, Willow, and Gus into the air.

Willow quickly casts a spell causing a flower to come out of the ground and catch you all. You roll down the petal and thud onto the ground.

Willow runs up to you and Gus.

"Are you guys okay?" She asks.

You nod but Gus slowly looks up.

"I-I think somethings broken.." he says, lifting up a flag as it snaps in half.

"My flags! I never should've tried to play! You were always enough for me!" He sobs, holding his flags to his chest.

Willow then notices her hair clip broke.

"Come on Gus. I have some floral tape in the greenhouse. We'll fix them." Willow helps him up and the two of them start walking away.

"Guys! Let's try the thorn vault one more time!" Luz says.

"Not now Luz, we're tired." Willow continues walking away.

"But we're the underdogs! We have to stay upbeat and keep trying and-" Willow stops Luz mid sentence.

"Not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope music soundtrack. We're going to lose. And nobody can help us against that. The game is off." Willow leaves you and Luz alone.

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