Minju giggled, "Yep."

"Just tell me when you're feeling uncomfortable then. I'll pull you out of the situation."

"I'm always uncomfortable when people hit on me."


"I'll tell you when it gets unbearable."


After enough time passed, the duo finally reached Y/n's house. Before he opened the door, the boy turned to his friend.

"My parents have been wanting to meet you. Specifically my mom."

"You talked to them about me?"

"I only mentioned that I made a new friend."

Minju grinned, "Were you that excited to befriend me?"

"No, I just thought it'd make my parents happy."

Minju's grin turned to a soft smile.


"Shut up."

Minju giggled as Y/n opened the door.

"I'm home with my friend!"

Surprised, Minju's eyes widened, "Are you sure it's okay to be shouting?"

"Three... Two... One..."

Y/n's parents rushed down the steps and towards the front door. The moment she laid eyes on the young beauty, Y/n's mom hovered her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god! She's so pretty!!"

Y/n closed the door behind him, locking it, before taking off his shoes.

"Mom, Dad, this is Kim Minju."

Y/n's mom took Minju's hands into her own, "You can call me Mom! Be sure to make yourself at home here!"

Y/n dad looked at him, "Nice catch, Y/n."

Y/n glared at his father as the older man burst into laughter. Worried, Y/n glanced at Minju's slightly tinted face.

"Please give her space. You're overwhelming her."

Y/n's mom stepped back, "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I'll let you two do your own thing."

Y/n gestured to start moving with his head, "Let's head to my room."

Minju gulped trying to calm herself, "Okay..."

The two students walked up the stairs and into Y/n's room. Curious as to what Y/n's room was like, Minju looked around as she walked deeper in.

His room is quite neat. It smells nice too.

"Are you sure I can take a nap?"

Minju nodded, "Yeah go ahead. I'll be doing homework while you nap."

"Okay. Feel free to go on my bed if you want to lay down."

Minju turned her head to Y/n who already began his departure.

"You're not sleeping on your bed?"

"No, I'm going to sleep in the guest room so that you can chill on my bed if you want."

"Why not sleep on your bed anyway? I won't take up much space."

"Are you comfortable with that?"

"Are you comfortable with that?"

Y/n turned around and plopped down on his bed.


"Okay. Goodnight."

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now