Chapter 9

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Third Person P.O.V.

Ponyboy and Steve had ran home after Bob fell from the railing. They didn't want to get involved.

"What are you guys doing home so early? Lunch hour didn't even pass." Darry said.

"There was a fight at school. A bad one. Bob go kicked off the second floor balcony and he passed out. We don't know what happened because we left so we didn't get involved." Ponyboy explained to Darry.

"Were you guys in the fight at all?" Darry asked.

They both shook their heads no.

"Good. That's good." Darry said. He was glad his little brother and one of his closest friends wasn't hurt. "How did the fight start?" Darry asked.

"Well Cherry - the red head - and Marcia, were getting into a scrap about some bullshit and they started to fight. Physically. Then Bob and Randy broke in. The fight got really out of hand and Randy ended up kicking Bob over the railing." Steve said.

"Can we go see if hes okay?" Ponyboy asked.

"Sure little buddy, we'll go tomorrow." Darry said.

~The Next Day, A.K.A. Friday~

Ponyboy woke up the next day with a headache. Ugh, I need an aspirin. Ponyboy thought.

Ponyboy crawled out of bed and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and a couple aspirins.

"Steve, get up." Ponyboy hollered. "We're gonna go see Bob today."

Steve groaned and groggily got up off the couch.

They went outside and Darry was mowing the lawn.

"You guys ready?" Darry asked.

"Yeah." Steve said.

"Alright, lets go." Darry said turning off the lawn mower.

Over at Tulsa General Hospital, Randy, Cherry and Marcia all sat in the waiting room. Marcia had got suspended and Randy and Cherry were getting expelled.

Bob was in terrible condition, he was alive - barely. He fell on his side, so only his left arm and left leg was broken. He needed stitches on his cheek and broke a couple ribs. Randy felt extremely guilty and is going to have to go to a juvenile court to see if hes going to juvie or not. He didn't kill Bob, so if he does go to juvie, he would only go for a couple of months.

Darry, Steve and Ponyboy walked over to Tulsa General Hospital to see how Bob was doing.

Bob was laying in a hospital bed. His eyes were closed and he had a bunch of wires hooked up to him. Steve got major flashbacks from when Katherine was in the hospital.

Steve's breathing got heavier and he started crying.

"Steve, you okay man?" Darry asked.

Steve didn't answer, he just ran out of the hospital. Pony and Darry look at each other before Darry goes to run out after him.

Ponyboy stayed quiet for a minute.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Bob." He said, and walked out.

As Ponyboy walked through the halls, Cherry came up to him.

"Hey Ponyboy." She said. Ponyboy didn't give her the time of day.

"Hey Ponyboy, answer me." Cherry said again. Ponyboy just kept walking.

Cherry grabbed onto his wrist, "Ponybo-"

"Don't touch me!" Ponyboy said and pushed her away. "Don't ever fucking talk to me ever again! You're the reason Bob is in this place. Yeah, maybe I don't like him, but no one deserves to be in this situation! You should be ashamed of yourself Cherry!" Ponyboy yelled.

Ponyboy has never yelled this much and to a girl especially. He walked out of the hospital to find Darry and Steve.

A couple streets down, Steve and Darry were on the sidewalk. Steve was against a building crying and Darry was pacing back and forth, not knowing how to comfort him.

"What's happening?" Ponyboy whispered to Darry a little too loud.

"Shut up, will ya? Hes having a mental breakdown."

"Oh, is it 'cause of Katherine and Soda and-"

"Shut up Ponyboy!" Darry hissed.

"You guys are loud whisperers." Steve said sniffling a bit.

"Sorry 'bout that..." They said and looked down at their feet.

Steve got up and started walking in the opposite direction.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" Darry asked.

"Ta visit Soda." He said.

"Again? That's the third time this week. Its not healthy to be grieving like this-" Steve cut him off. "Don't fucking tell me how to live my life! If I want to visit him I will! Unlike you, never goes to fucking visit him!"

"Steve, all I'm saying is that-" Steve cut him off again. "Darry, I don't give a hang what you think is best for me and what isn't. My girlfriend is missing, my best friend is dead. Just leave me the fuck alone!" Steve yelled and stomped off.

Ponyboy ran to catch up with Steve. "Can I come?" He asked.

"I don't care." Steve replied and continued walking.

Their walk to the cemetery was short and quiet.

"Darry doesn't take me to visit Sodapop that often." Ponyboy said, breaking the silence.

"Why not?" Steve asked.

"Not sure." Ponyboy said. "I sure do miss him."

"Yeah, me too." Steve agreed. "I miss Katherine a lot too."

Why Did You Leave Me? - A Sequel to Two-Bit's Kid Sister **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now