Hoseok could feel the change in her mood. It was subtle but he could tell something was now off. He and Jimin never pressed her to find out why she was fired from her last job. It didn't really matter to them because they saw for themselves she was an honest and hard worker but they had to admit they were curious about it.

"Okay" she clapped her hands making him jump "I'm going to unpack and throw my clothes in the wash. I'm sure all my clothes smell like a distillery"

"Yeah go handle that before your suitcase spontaneously combusts from all the alcohol fumes" he joked, pushing her off his lap. Evlyn laughed walking toward her room with her luggage rolling behind her

The maid did just as she said she would. With her clothes in the washer she took the time to straighten up her room and reorganize her dresser. By the time her load was washed and dried she had accomplished quite a bit. Feeling the pangs of hunger she popped into the kitchen for a snack

"I leave for less than a week and the fridge looks like a tornado came through it" she said to herself as she dug around to find something to eat.

Deciding on a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich she pulled out the needed ingredients and made two sandwiches for herself. As she sat in the kitchen enjoying her sweet snack Hoseok came in, unnoticed by the content woman, and watched her for a brief moment. Smiling to himself as he watched her wiggle in her seat

"Good Huh?" He asked making her jump

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know PB&J makes you wiggle" he chuckled. "Jimin just texted me that his plane landed so I'm going to pick him up, want to ride?"

"Mmhmm" she nodded with a chunk of sandwich in her mouth the ran out the kitchen to grab her phone and purse

The drive to the airport was spent singing loudly and off key to any song that came on. The two laughed,  until it hurt, at one another's lack of knowledge of lyrics and timing. They arrived almost forty minutes after they left the house at the pickup zone. Evlyn texted Jimin to let him know they were waiting.

Hoseok got out of the car as he spotted Jimin nearing the exit, his face covered by a mask and sunglasses to dim the bright flashes of the cameras snapping pictures. His bodyguard made a path for him towards the luxury sedan awaiting him. With a slight look up he was able to spot Hoseok, who was also getting a fair share of pictures taken, and smiled beneath his mask. He pulled it down to peck Hobi's lips before wrapping him in a hug

"Please get us out of here" he whispered. Hoseok nodded and they disconnected, he got back behind the wheel and Jimin almost dove into the backseat. His bodyguard climbed in after him and they were off.

"Hi Jimin," Evlyn spoke politely. She'd only met the bodyguard a few times as their maid so she didn't want to seem too friendly and raise suspicions.

"Hi Evlyn" he replied, removing his sunglasses and running his fingers through his hair.

The ride to drop his bodyguard off was fairly quiet, Jimin and the large man chatted briefly about his upcoming schedule but nothing more. Once he was out of the car and the three lovers were on their way home Jimin loosened up more.

"How was the trip?" Evlyn asked him from the front seat

"It was not good but I am so glad I only have one month left on my contract. They have been on a steady decline ever since the company was sold and I can't wait to jump off this sinking ship."

"What happened?" Hoseok asked, glancing at him through the rearview mirror

"What didn't happen?" He scoffed "My itinerary was wrong so I arrived late to the photoshoot. The driver they hired had no idea how to navigate the area and the hotel was filthy. I need the hottest shower possible with a gallon of soap"  He explained with a disgusted shimmy of his shoulder

"Aw man that sounds awful. Why was everything so messed up? I've never heard you complain like this" Hobi asked as they neared home

"New owner hired new management. They got rid of everyone that actually knew what they were doing and brought in a bunch of idiots that can't even chill water to make ice"

Evlyn snorted "I'm sorry, I know that's not funny but I never heard that one before"

"I'm pretty sure I just made that up" he let out a humorless chuckle "I know things will be better at KEM"

Evlyn thought she mentally rolled her eyes at the mention of Kleaver but Hoseok caught it. He made a mental note to ask her about her beef with that name later, it wasn't the first time he had noticed her grimace whenever Jimin mentioned Kleaver Elite Modeling.

They finally arrive home and Jimin makes a mad dash to the bathroom for the shower he desired. Hoseok went to take care of some things for work and Evlyn decided to make a nice dinner for the three of them. She was in a great mood, her life was no longer in shambles, she had friends again and not one, but two boyfriends that genuinely cared for her. Things were really looking up for her.

Or so she thought.

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅Where stories live. Discover now