But right now I'm driving back to my house with a few hours to spare before Lizzie's appointment, as I got home Immediately heard the T.V playing coming from the Living room. I dropped my bags near the kitchen counter and saw that the two girls were asleep on the couch, Lizzie was laying on the other side of the couch while Luna occupied the other half. Luna was cuddling Cooper who was snoring as usual, but that didn't bother Luna since she was used to it.

I adjusted Luna's blanket because it was almost falling off and gave her a quick kiss on the head, which seemingly woke Cooper up, making me kiss his head as well before giving him a few head rubs. Cooper went straight to sleep after receiving his head rubs, I then moved towards Elizabeth chase. Who was slightly snoring, something she would always do when she was pregnant, she denies it but I have more than enough proof to prove to her she does snore.

I kneeled down in front of her and propped my face directly in front of hers just admiring her, I moved a few stray strands of her hair out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. Her nose scrunched slightly at my actions, but it wasn't enough to wake her up.

She is the woman of my dreams and I get to call her my wife... Well not yet but I will, I'm just training myself by calling her my wife. The mother of my children, the love of my life, mi vida, my everything. God I love this woman so much it hurts, there is no one else that I would choose to live this life with me. She's my soulmate, bestfriend, wife, just all in all the best person I could ever ask for.

I started to feel tears running down my face, as I started to wipe them Lizzie started to wake up. "Hey you're ho- Are you ok?" Lizzie asked me concerned as she immediately placed her hand on my cheek, "Yeah something just got caught in my eye" I said as I gave her a smile. But the water works weren't really cooperating they just kept coming, "Then why are you crying bebe?" Lizzie asked me with soft eyes. "I just love you so much, and I know I haven't really been here that much and I just- I don't know" I said now fully crying.

Lizzie then moved a little further into the couch then she patted down on the free space in front of her, she then opened her arms out wide which I take as a Sign to climb into the couch with her. "It's ok bubba, I know you're stressed about work, and now you're trying to juggle work with us. And it's entirely ok, whatever you're feeling it's valid ok? You're stressed and that's ok, Luna and I one hundred percent understand why you're away so much. We can handle ourselves don't worry, we're big girls" Lizzie said as she stroked my hair, "You're trying your best and it's more than enough for me and Luna, she understands what's happening she's not a kid anymore bebe she's basically an adult at this point" Lizzie added making me cry even more think about how Luna has grown so much over the past few years.

"Stop crying you're gonna make me cry" Lizzie said as she now rubbed circles on my back trying to calm me down, "I'm sorry for crying" I said in between breaths. "It's ok to cry love now why don't we just nap for a little bit yeah?" Lizzie suggested making me nod, "Cuddled?" I asked as I buried my face in her chest. "Yes honey cuddles indeed" Lizzie said as she pulled me closer into her body, I wrapped my arms around her but not before rubbing my hand on her protruding baby bump. "Go to sleep my love, I'll be here when you wake up" Lizzie said as she hummed a random tune, inevitably lulling me to sleep.


I woke up to the sounds of animated cars racing, making me extremely confused. I opened one eye and saw that I was no longer cuddling with Lizzie. But instead Luna took her place, Luna didn't notice I had woken up but I saw that she was playing Need for Speed on my phone. One of the many games I had downloaded on my phone to keep me entertained, I looked more closely and saw that she was actually winning the game. Damn At least I know I'm not the only car junkie in the family, "Yes!" Luna said in a hushed tone as she won first place in the race.

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