Chapter 27 - Truth Serum - Part Two - Love is in the Air [Everyone POV]

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After fifteen minutes had passed a loud beeping sound could be heard coming from the timer on Knuckles' communicator. I was relieved. No matter what I said I couldn't seem to make completely Tails understand how I felt, and I could feel myself losing my patience with him.

"Tails I'm sorry. You getting hurt is the last of my desires, especially after being hurt myself so many times. But I can't and I won't let Sonic go. You'll just have to accept it." I said my final sentence to Tails and stood up to walk back over to where Knuckles was waiting with the hat. Tails huffed in response but stood up and followed me.

We all sat back in our circle. Every person had a different expression on their face ranging from confused to happy to sad to angry. Knuckles held out the hat to me. I reached in, pulled out a piece of paper and read it.


My stomach flipped in anticipation. I couldn't wait to spend more time talking with my new lover. I shot Tails a quick glare before standing up and nodding at Sonic. He jumped up and we walked together over to the big mushroom he and Cream were sitting under just before. We sat down opposite each other crossed legged.

Sonic spoke first. "So how'd things with Tails go?"

"Not too well," I sighed. "He's pretty hung up on you. I tried talking him out of it but he wasn't having any of it."

"Well I guess it's not really something you can talk someone out of." Sonic sighed and his forehead furrowed into a frown.

"I guess not," I replied.

"What else did you guys talk about?"

"Well, I also told him that I wasn't letting you go and I think I'm falling in love with you."

Damn Knuckles and his magic dust, I can't keep anything a secret right now!!

Sonic's face softened and his eyes widened as he looked at me blushing.

"Y-you are?" he stuttered in disbelief.

"Yeah. Oh chaos, I never thought I'd be saying that to someone again."

"M-me too," he stuttered. "Shadow, I think I'm falling in love with you too."

I melted into the ground. A feeling that I never thought I'd get to experience again. Someone loves me.

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. We sat back and smiled at each other.

"I can't get enough of that smile Shads," Sonic said.

My smile widened. I couldn't help myself. I was happy. But there were still things on my mind.

"I need to talk to you about something Sonic," I said.

"What's that?"

I bit my bottom lip and wondered how to word exactly what I wanted to say.

"At my place, after the err, my suicide incident, when we were sitting in a circle with Knuckles and Rouge?"

"Yeah? What about it?" said Sonic.

"So when I looked into your eyes I had this crazy vision. My whole reality started shifting. We literally merged in into one and I got to see a complete crossover between you and I."

"What do you mean 'crossover?'"

"Well first I was looking at you. Then you merged into me. I was out of my body and sitting opposite myself for a moment. But then the image of me merged into you, and back to me again. It kept happening. And the best part was the exact point where this image was half me and half you."

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