Chapter 19 - The Prophecy [Knuckles POV]

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Something is happening, I can feel it.

My ancestors are calling me, there's something I need to know.

Glancing up at the night sky I looked at the glistening stars. Every night now the sky looks different. The alignment of the stars is shifting. I knew that meant big change is coming.

Putting my hands on my hips, I glanced around the outside of my cave. I needed to get my equipment ready. I grabbed my black pot, and took it to the creek that runs just behind where I live. It was dark but my night vision is perfect, so I could still see what I was doing.

I filled up the pot and took it back to my fire pit. I had lit the fire at dusk, when the temperature starts to drop, so it had time to build up some charcoals and generate some decent heat. I found three robust sticks on the ground and formed them into a tripod shape, tying them together with some thick, dried grass that I picked from a patch near my feet. There I suspended the pot over the fire at the perfect height for the water to simmer.

Whilst waiting for the water to heat up, I grabbed my machete and walked to my rock garden; a place I had dedicated to growing important and medicinal plants. There stood a magnificent cactus, well over 1000 years old, or so I estimated. It was the reason I had chosen to reside at this spot, this cave here in Mushroom Hill. A magical cactus, completely out of place, growing out here in the middle of a mushroom kingdom! It was so unique and precious I had to guard it. In return for looking after it, it grants me access to the other realms, where my guides and other guardians are.

I knelt down in front of the green giant.

"I need guidance. Do I have permission to take a limb from you to prepare a brew?"

I waited for a feeling from the cactus. It would either be a yes or a no.

A warm feeling came over me, like an invisible hug. It was a yes.

Standing up, I eyed the cactus for an appropriate piece. I found a medium sized, plump piece, about a foot in length and cut it off.

"Thank you," I dipped my head in gratitude to the cactus and headed back to my fire pit.

The water had reached the perfect temperature in the black pot. I held the length of cactus above it proceeded to slice it into smaller pieces, letting them drop down making a plopping sound when they hit the water.

Now I just have to wait 24 hours.

I decided to go to bed and leave the brew to do its thing.


The brew was finally ready.

I looked at the brown-green sludgy liquid. It was the perfect consistency and had reduced to about one cup. Scooping it out into my mug I sat cross-legged on the floor opposite the fire.

"Mescalito, I require your guidance. Please channel me the information I need to receive," I said aloud.

Mescalito is my guide who I contact through consuming the cactus brew. He's like a grandfather spirit, wise and caring.

With that I gulped down the bitter, peppery liquid and waited.

After about an hour I felt my reality begin to shift. The darkness of the night dissolved away leaving me in a vast landscape of green and purple swirling colours. My physical body started to fade into nothingness, releasing my soul into a glowing orb of light. A figure materialised before me, a being that was half anthropomorphic, half plant.

"Knuckles, I have been waiting for you," he smiled. His communication was telepathic. I felt his words from within me, in the front centre of my forehead, as apposed to hearing them from the outside.

"Greetings Mescalito, thank you for having me here. What is it that you need to tell me?" Without a body or a mouth, I also responded telepathically. It was like an invisible channel had opened between us, where thoughts became communication.

"There is lots we need to cover. It is really important that you listen carefully and remember everything that I tell you," he continued.

"Yes Mescalito."

"Ok let's begin. You have most likely been feeling there is a huge event about to happen on planet Mobius. As you know, time is not linear, it goes in cycles, and a cycle is about to come to completion. This only happens once every 33,000 years. It is caused by the alignment of two galaxies: the Itzamna Galaxy of light and the Erebus Galaxy of darkness."

I wasn't expecting this...

"Now, when these two galaxies come together, enormous change consumes the planet and all of its inhabitants. It is a very dangerous time for all because it causes any suppressed darkness hiding deep in our souls to be released. Whilst this can be treacherous, it is necessary for the evolution of the planet. Everything that is not serving you must die, so that you can be reborn. You may have noticed people you associate with going slightly crazy..."

I certainly had.

"...well this is because we are on the cusp. Everything will start to unravel from here."

I felt an impending sensation of doom. Whatever is happening is so much bigger than us and our dramas here on Mobius. It was linked to astrology, ancient history and forgotten knowledge. My mind shifted to my friends. I had seen it affect Shadow already. I hadn't seen much of the other crew since we left his house.

As if reading my thoughts Mescalito addressed my concerns.

"You and your friends will suffer, but you will not be given any challenges you can't handle. Remember, anything that you experience is darkness that was already within you. It is your duty to process and release it. Every soul must complete this journey. Once this is done, the planet can exist in a higher vibration. You will purge out generations of accumulated suffering. It is not by chance you and your friends are alive at this time, you volunteered for this mission."

I understood what Mescalito said. I always had a feeling there was something I came here to do. The feeling didn't go away after Eggman was defeated, so I knew there had to be something else.

"Mescalito, is there anything I can do to help the process?" I asked.

"Yes. You will need as many abilities as possible. This means working on you psychic development. Between your group you have many talents. If you came together and used them as a unit you would be far more powerful. To beat the darkness you must understand it. Intuition, telepathy, kinesis, astral projection and remote viewing will all come in handy. As the frequency of the planet rises these skills will become more accessible to you.

Understand that this is a course of growth and healing, not destruction. The only way to make it through is to do the self-work and help others through it. Be understanding, compassionate and patient with your friends.

You may witness the reappearance of old enemy, but you must resist the urge to kill. Instead try to help them too.

There is no going back from here, you must go forth with bravery and courage.

And remember, there is no 'I' in team. You will only ever win if you stick together.

That is all I have to tell you Knuckles. More information will be given at a later date. You may return to your realm now."

"Thank you Mescalito. I shall do as you suggest."

"Goodbye for now Knuckles."

"Goodbye Mescalito."

Mescalito started to fade away into a swirl and merge with the colours around him. Slowly the colours too started to fade away and my body materialised again, feeling dense and heavy. I was brought back to my fire pit. It was still dark. I had no idea how long I had been with Mescalito for, it could have been hours or it could have been days. But strangely the fire had gone out and the pit was cold.

"I guess some things you just can't explain," I chuckled to myself and headed to my cave to process the information I had just been given.

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