Chapter 28: Peacock Blue

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"Ok, I'll be there." replied Ye Ci. She guessed that Yi Cang was in a very awkward situation and therefore did not question him much.

Ye Ci sighed at the state of disarray her storage was in. She had no choice but to postpone in sorting out the mess. She walked towards a Guild NPC and paid a few silver coins to be transported back to the guild encampment.

The encampment had a lot more buildings than Ye Ci could remember, and the original facilities had also been upgraded. Thousand Sunsets invested quite a lot in the guild. Ye Ci was lost. She did not know where to find Yi Cang. Before she could contact him, however, she heard a voice not far from her.

It was a shrill, angry female voice.

"What's with your friend! He secretly cleared dungeons and get First Blood for it, muting himself when the guild ordered her back to the encampment! He's not even here yet! Who does he think he is? Is his dad Li Gang? What the hell! He thought that I don't have the guts to kick him out from the guild! Let me tell you something Leftie, what we need in Steel-Blooded Battle Spear is teamwork, not some individualistic prick...."

Ye Ci leaned at the door frame while assessing the situation.

A Human Cleric beside Leftie was complaining nonstop and the latter listened silently with his head bowed.

Ye Ci knew the Human female Cleric. It was Peacock Blue. It was the "Sister Blue" that was mentioned by Yi Cang.

Peacock Blue, the administrator of Steel-Blooded Battle Spear. She was a beauty. In a guild where males were the majority, her looks was something to be proud of. This was why she was arrogant. The guys in the guild treated her like a princess.

Ye Ci knew that she had greatly offended Peacock Blue.

Yi Cang helplessly listened on, unable to defend himself.

Ye Ci knocked softly on the door. The sound was not loud, but it was enough to announce the presence of a third person in the room.

Leftie raised his head and saw Ye Ci. He was truly glad to see her, but before he could greet her, Peacock Blue exploded.

"Who the hell are you! Why are you here! Can't you see this is the administrator's office? I'm busy here! Where's your discipline! Which squad are you from! Tell me your name!"

Ye Ci stared at Peacock Blue who was seething with anger. She did not even flinched. She smiled at Peacock Blue and smiled, "I'm Gongzi You...."

"So what? Which squad are you from! I will punish you for insubordination....." Peacock Blue continued to grumble a bit more before stopping abruptly.

She looked at Ye Ci up and down and shouted, "YOU are Gongzi You! You're a girl?"

Ye Ci touched the tip of her Elven ears and smiled, "If the system did not scan my features wrongly, yes. I'm a girl."

Peacock Blue was speechless. She glared at Ye Ci without uttering a single word. Nobody would be able maintain their composure when they were caught talking behind someone's back.

"What do you want from me?"

"The guild is organizing an expedition into the Chilly Wetland dungeons. We'll begin clearing the first dungeon, Cruel Pit, in three days. All guild members with 100 GS must be present!" said Peacock Blue with distaste in her tone.

"MY GS is only at 85." Ye Ci sighed and showed her Character information which was already disguised by the Brooch Of Deceit.

Peacock Blue's brows creased. Gongzi You's equipment were garbage. So how could someone like her clear Icy Cave at Hard Difficulty?

It seemed that she was just lucky to have a good party.

This did not faze Peacock Blue at all, "I don't care. This is an order from the guild leader. Even if your GS is not 100 yet, you'll still be a substitute." With that, she left the room.

She could not understand Sunset Cloud's attention to such an individual.

Leftie let out a breath that he had been holding after Peacock Blue left. He smile awkwardly at Ye Ci and said, "Little Ci, don't mind Sister Blue. She's an admin. Sometimes she need to state her authority. She has nothing against you."

Ye Ci nodded and said to Leftie, "Yi Cang, not everyone is suitable for you even if they might look good. Don't hurt yourself for something that's not worth it."

"Little Ci, what do you mean...." Leftie was confused.

Ye Ci did not elaborate. She could see that Yi Cang liked Peacock Blue. When a man was afraid of such arrogant women, it was usually due to the fact that he liked her, not because of her abilities.

However, there were times when "like" doesn't necessarily mean "suitable". Yi Cang's case was the perfect example.

Ye Ci had never been afraid of such empty threats. She could totally ignore Peacock Blue, but she decided to go with the guild.

The reason was none other than Peacock Blue's words.

"What we need in Steel-Blooded Battle Spear is teamwork, not some individualistic prick....."

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