Since both of us sucked at cooking he had someone make us food and keep it in the refrigerator.

"How was dad as a child?" I asked while eating.

"Even after being the eldest sibling he was fun to be with, he had same playful glint in his eyes as you do. You both like scaring the shit out of family members." he paused and took a bite while eyes held nostalgia.

After chewing a bit he continued. "I often sent him to the store to buy things. He would always forget to buy something, and would be sent back to the store again. He wanted to make sure that the sales assistant didn't get the impression that he was a foolish boy with a bad memory, so he would turn his jacket inside out, maybe put on your grandma's scarf, change his hairstyle, put on a different facial expression and speak in a lowered voice. Stupid boy." We both couldn't contain our laughter.

"He used to secretly feed a dog everyday in our backyard. After a few months he wanted to adopt the dog so he came for my permission which I did grant. Then grandma asked him about the dogs name and he just blinked his eyes rapidly said 'Oh no I forgot that. I always called him dog. Eat this dog, play with me dog etcetera etcetera.'

"Dad sounds so stupid." I laughed until my stomach started hurting.

We spent rest of the day gardening and watching movies. His taste in movies was horrible I must say.

Flashback over

"You are just as stupid as your sons dad. You know there's something going on between Seth and Dr. Bailey. I caught them kissing on the camera. I didn't mean to, I was just looking around the house when I saw that." I chuckled. "I just wish you were here. We missed so much and we'll miss a lot in future. Y-"

I couldn't continue as I felt something soft brush against my lower back. With furrowed eyebrows I turned around to see a small ginger and white cat purring.

A small smile crossed my face. "Hey kitty." I picked it carefully and placed it on my thigh.

"Is this you dad?" I ask playfully, stroking the cat's head who in turn purrs. "I see."

My phone starts ringing and flashed Andrew's name.

"Yeah I'm coming out in two minutes Andrew." With that I cut the call and stood up with the cat.

"Well, if this cat is a male then I'm naming it Jack, if a female it's Jackie." I chuckled. "Bye dad, see you soon and I love you."
(Their dad's name is Jack.)

As I walked out of the cemetery I saw Andrew leaning against his black car. He raised his eyebrow when he saw the cat in my arms.

"When I was talking to Dad this cat came to me. I guess dad's soul is in here or something. May I please take it with us? Like adopt it?" I asked innocently.

"A cat? Dad's soul in a cat?" He scoffed playfully. "To answer your question yes you may." He chuckled and opened the door for me.

On the way home we went to veterinarian who told us the cat is a male. So Jack it is. We also got all necessities for him.

When we got back home Tristan opened the door and was amused to see a cat in my arms.

"A cat?" He asked.

"Yeah his name is Jack. I believe our fathers soul is inside him." I said in pure dumbness.

He just blinks at me and Andrew shrugs. I ignore him and go inside. Mason wasn't in the living room only the twins were. Seth wasn't in the house, maybe went to meet Dr. Bailey.

Allen was on the couch and Felix was standing in front of him, both of them having a silly argument. Allen saw me approaching but I signalled him to stay quiet.

I tiptoed to Felix I brought Jack closer to his ear and tickled his neck. In the few hours a spent with Jack I got to know that he meows when I do that.

As soon as Felix heard that he jumped away screaming 'what the fuck'. The rest of us started laughing.

"Oh my god you got a cat?" Felix coos when he calms down.

"Yeah his name is Jack and I believe our fathers soul is inside him." I repeated and the twins mirror Tris's reaction.

"Is that cat living with us from now on?" Allen asked seriously.

"Yes Jack is."

Allen looks at Andrew who once again shrugs.

"I would have loved a dog instead." Allen mumbles.

"I would have loved a penguin or giraffe." Felix says and all of just stare at him.

"I thought you would want a monkey like yourself, you know a monkey buddy." I say innocently.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he has adopted or atleast befriended the animals and insects on our property, like lizards, rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bees and so on." Allen says in an obvious tone.

"You both make me look like a psycho or something. Why would I befriend such creatures?" Felix huffed.

"Only you would Felix." Allen deadpans and raised his hand for a high five.

"Exactly." I said and respond to Allen's high five.

"Anyways do not crush Jack with your heavy selves, behave properly or else dad's gonna haunt you FOREVER." I gave them all a sweet smile and went to my room.

I'm sorry it took me time to write this.
Thank you Japppsssdd for this idea.❤️
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