Chapter 21| Butterfly

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Ophelia pov

The doctor waited a day to see how I was going and how my body was reacting to so suddenly being parilized.

It's now the day after I'm finally being discharged. Dr.Durby as I learned her name,told me I could leave,she got me a wheel chair and some more bandages for my head.

My brothers had never left my side scince they came,chase blamed himself for my condition but I told him it was the crazy drivers fault,I mean who chases another car and then crashes it.

And the old lying bitch was telling the truth,the everything she said is true,and I'm waiting for my family to tell me their secret that I have yet to discover.

Then I'll have to try and figure out my other friends secret and why Evelyn won't find love. Then next on the list is why adoption isn't a bad idea. Am I adopting a cat,dog,hamster....a child?

My thoughts were broken by my dad started to help me into the wheel chair. Hunter has been in and out of the hospital more times than I can count. I don't know why but I hear my brothers and dad always asking him 'if he found anything'.

My ceriousity is slowly getting the best of me,but ceriousity killed the cat right?.

Our way outside the building ryder pushed my wheelchair,and dad,hunter,and blaze got my medicine,pain killers,memory lost prevention tablets,prilization pain killers,and a tube of something I'm sopposed to drink every hour for a month to help my muscle strength,apparently I strained my arm,neck and stomach muscles in the car crash.I know so much for just one crash.

Our ride home was a blur except when elijah had to pick me up and put me into the car,while ryder put my wheelchair in the back of the car.  We drove in three different cars I rode with hunter,elijah and ryder.

I felt so weak knowing I have to depend on my familiy for everything. I didn't like being carried for my our good or having to sit all the time. I'm an active person and this disability is something big I have to get used to.

I thought about school,my friends might not want to hang out with me again when I tell them,they might get creeped out,but I was sure my friends in Doncaster would stick with me till' the end. Now Cheryl would have a advantage to be a bigger pain in my ass.

We came home and I wanted so bad to walk to my room but no,I had to roll to my room. I never liked the elevator but I have to use it to go upstairs now. I went to my room and rolled to my big mirror,I stared at how I sat and my legs that would never be at use again,you might as well cut them off.

I wheeled to my draws to the side of my bed and got a photo of mom and I,our last photo taken together. I stared at it and tears pickled my eyes,"yesterday I almost joined you in heaven,but the doctors saved my life,but now I can't walk." I cryed,I felt someone watching me in my room but there was none,I felt eyes still in me but not a person was in here,then suddenly a beautiful butterfy flew into my room.

It was mom's favourite colour,blue,purple and some tinges of yellow. It was also mothers favourite animal. wait.....maybe this is a sign of my mom being here and the staring I feel on me is my mom's spirit?

She never actually left me,I just wish their was some way I could contact her.

Hunter pov

"Hunter we have to tell her about the mafia","yeah she was almost killed","if she knew we would would have been able to pull out our guns and fight""i agree we should let her know" my brothers voices rang in my head as they all talked at the same time.

"Were not telling her and that's final". I spoke campy to then holding in my frustration. Right now I'm bottling up my emotions,sad,angry,frustration,stress,hate etc.

"We have to hunter,it would hep her" at this point their testing my patience. Dad went with some guards to pick up some more mafia supplies at a abandoned wear house. So he lest me in charge of the decision and my decision is no.

"Hunter we get your the older in and you have a reason but she needs to know the truth"  my patience was screaming hast last visa baby!.

"We want to protect her to but she needs to know", "no" I shortly reply not wanting to blow like a time bomb. "Hunter your not always right,we're right sometimes and your not listening to us...she needs to know"

"NO" I roared,"She will not know about our mafia,its the only way to keep her safe,im the mafia Don not you,i make the decisions and my disision is to not tell her,im always right that is what I was trained for. I protect and kill,I give and take,I hate and forgive,I say what's right and wrong,I say the yes and no's. "I lower my voice a bit to not get lia  worried.

All of them just stared at me shocked,I also myself was shocked my ego was so big. I didn't like taking my anger out on my siblings but they gave me no choice.

I turned around and went up to ophelia room she was sitting on the wheelchair tear stains down her cheeks sleeping. I went up to her and crouched down to the hight she was stuck at. I whiped her face of the tears and lifted her up and took her to her bed.

I looked at her clock,it read 11:15 pm. I kissed her forehead and whispered,"I'm sorry we can't tell you yet...but don't worry when the time is right we will......I'm sorry we have you in this position,always having to sit,and your legs not working anymore,I'm so so so sorry. I'd give you my life if you would take it. I'm sure any of our family would do the same. Your so precious, a gem in a family of coals, the sun in a family of grumpy gray clouds, I love you lia,I'll always have and I always will,good night,sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite.



Hey guys,
                    Hope you like this chapter. I enjoyed writing it. I have school in 8 mins.


Hope you like my book so far and that your day/night is going well.

Please vote, comment,and follow me it gives me so much motivation to continue this book.

Ily guys♡. Thank you for my reads going up so much,so quickly,but could you Please help the votes go up it'd mean a lot? .

Bye Bye got school in five minutes now!!


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