Chapter 9| Family Gathering Pt.2

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Grampa (Gorge)

I missed my sorella so much,I regret putting my work first and not comming to see this side of the family more often,I only saw her three times in person and now I regret it so,so bad. But I thank whoever in the Heavens made it possible for us to see her again,I love her so much not only because she's the only biological girl in the family,but because she was an adorable baby and now she's adorable and beautiful.,she can put a smile on someones face without even trying.

No boyfriends for her,unless I trust them or else any boy who lays a finger on my Angel will die,and I'll chop there dicks off peace by peace.


I just love my little bundle of joy so much. A part of my heart broke when I heard they left, ut now thst she has returned,my heart has started to mend itself. Her mother triedrotecting her but the mistake she made was letting another man but my son in her life. I still respect and love Lynsday and her death was the downfall of my week.
I can't wait to bake my famous sweets for her.

Andrel pov.

I'm preety sure I feel the same as everyone else. To love and loss but we got her back,my only daughter. In a family full of boys it's a me rival to get a girl. We were all devestated when she left. We cried and prayed we'd find her but she was the one who found us.

Caspian pov.

I was there to comfort my older brother,luther when his daughter and wife left. It broke me to see how much pain he was in but I fought through it for him and only him. The pain of loosing my daughter was horrible but we got her back and I love her more than ever.

{Ok I'm getting tired writing this,sorry,but you can imagine what how you want them to react in this chapter.
I have to go my wifi will pass out any second I'll update tommorow I promise.

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