Chapter 8

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Naomi's POV
Brooklyn and I are off going to a restaurant or something in a car and it's kinda awkward so I decided to say something.

"So, we are going to a restaurant right. You aren't like kidnapping me are you."

"I don't know we'll see once we get to the dark alley."

"Okay but I have to be back before my parents leave" we both laughed at our sarcasm.

"We're here" said Brooklyn. It was a cute little café/restaurant

"Wait don't get out yet."

"ok." He got out of the car and went to the the side where I was and opened the door and held out his hand.

"Well thank you, kind gentleman. That was very chivalrous of you." I said in a very bad British accent

"It's my pleasure, my lady." We both laughed. He helped me get out of the car but didn't let go of my hand so we were holding hands until we got to the table. Honestly I really liked it. I also kinda felt like someone was looking at us. But I thought it was nothing so I just brushed it off. We got to the table and he pulled the chair put for me he was so cute.

"Welcome. Here are your menus. May I get you anything to drink." the waiter said to us.

"Yeah. I'll have a Sprite." I said.

"I'll have a coke thank you." Brooklyn said.

"Ok so I have a question."

"Sure go ahead."

"Do I have to be all I'll have salad with extra lettuce and stuff"

"Of course not! You order whatever you want and I will not judge you."

"Okay awesome. Because I've gone on out before where the guy orders for me and he orders a salad and I'm just like nope I don't really like salads."

"Well with me you never have to do that. Be yourself and I'll be myself."

"May I take your order?"

"Can I have a number 6 with ketchup in the middle, and instead of American cheese can it be mozzarella, and can you put the fries inside the burger. With a side of fries. Thanks."

"Uh yeah sure." The waiter looked surprised and Brooklyn looked with amazement.

"I'll have what she's having."


"I trust your judgement in food."

"Yeah I like to eat but I'm a picky eater."

"Haha. I like a girl who isn't shy about eating."

"Well then you found the right girl."

"So do you play any sports."

"Yeah. I play soccer or football as you call it. I run track, and play a little volleyball with my friends sometimes. And I am in love with Baseball, so I play that too."

"Wow you are very athletic. What are your favorite teams?"

"For soccer. I like Manchester United, and Chelsea."

"Are you joking? Those are my favorite teams!"

"Really. They're amazing though right!"

"Yeah! What other teams do you like?"

"For baseball I like, and you're probably going to judge me for this, but I like the mets. My dad and I love the mets. We're die hard mets fans."

"Well I agree to disagree. They are really bad and the yankees are way better. They would kick the Mets butts."

"Actually, Brooklyn, in the subway series the Mets win a lot more often then the yankees. If you are still here in September maybe we could go to a subway series game and you could see the Mets win."

"Alright. You'll see the yankees will win."

"Ha. Yeah right"

"Here is your order. Enjoy. If you need anything else please do not hesitate to ask." Our food was here and it looked delicious.

"Thank you." We both said in sync. I was just starting at Brooklyn with anticipation for him to try it.

"Why are you looking at me like that."

"I'm waiting for you to try the burger and see if you like it."

"Ok. You're weird."

"I know. I know. Now go try it!"
He took a bite out of it and he said

"Oh. My. God. That is amazing! Especially with the fries already in it. This is my new favorite hamburger!"

"I know right. It's amazing, I love it. Yay I'm glad you like it."

"Naomi would you like to go the beach with me today and play football with me?"

"Yeah sure."

We started eating our hamburgers when I see a flash go off.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"I saw a flash. Like from a camera"

"Ugh. It's probably paparazzi. Would you like me to tell them to leave us alone."

"No,no it's fine just leave it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's fine just leave it"

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