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She wasn't the most beautiful girl he had met but she had a stunning figure, what we mostly call the 'figure 8' and her manners were quite enticing. Roberts decided to break the silence as he noticed she was feeling awkward

"It seems you have a lot of friends" said Robert as he turned towards her direction

"Why do you say so?" asked Allison inquisitively who was now looking at her feet to avoid staring into his eyes.

"Well, with this huge basket of toys and gifts, you seem to have a lot of friends at reach"

"Yeah, not to brag or anything. But I'm happy I have them" Allison replied.

A long ride later, they reached Garden Scapes avenue. A blue coloured duplex, pillared and filled with beautiful flowers was Allison's home.
She lived with her aunt but her mother lived in the outskirts of town and she had come to live with her aunt who was sponsoring her education.

She alighted the vehicle and Albert helped her with her stuff.

"Will you be available on Sunday?" Roberts snapped sharply as she turned to enter her house
"Yeah, why?" She replied

He gave a deep breath and continued

"I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me.
"Sure, why not" she said smiling
"So, see you by 2:00 on Sunday. I'll come pick you up myself" said Roberts
"Alright, Sunday"
"Yeah" replied Roberts

Allison waved them goodbye as she turned to go back into her house and he kept his gaze on her as she walked, lost in thoughts and he kept his eyes on her bum.

"Sir" said Albert with a British accent snapping Roberts out of his thoughts.
"Ohh, silly me." replied Roberts as he quickly jumped in the car


Allison was euphoric, she quickly picked her phone and texted her closest friend in their group chat.

Allison has 3 close friends named Mariam, Lilian and Helen.

'Guess what girls?' she texted

'You just got engaged?' replied Lilian
'No' allison replied

'Then what' texted Helen
'I just met....." Allison texted

'Justin Bieber!! Mariam texted

"Robert George"

"no way" replied Mariam

"😲😲😲😲" replied Helen

"So?. Whatever" replied Lilian who was less concerned

'Why don't we have lunch at Mac Donald's to finish this discussion' texted Allison.
The first date was spectacular. Roberts took Allison to the cinema. The best part of the date was having each other's company. Robert wanted to know more about her, so after the movie they went to have lunch.

They talked about books they've read, movies they watched, their friends, social life and practically everything under the sun. They also exchanged numbers to keep in touch.

After that date, they met regularly either for a date or coincidentally at a kiosk or at the park. Soon after they got familiar with themselves and soon it was time to meet each other's families.


First it was Allison, Roberts took her to his paternal home. A very beautiful mansion surrounded by a spacious garden of flowers and a magnificent fountain which gushed out pure spring water.
They both walk together into the premises with their hands entangled into each other as they strolled into the compound.

They were approaching the house when a short, spectacled woman of about 55 years approached them by the house entrance.
"Mum!" Robert exclaimed
"Ah, Robby"
Yes Robby, that was the nickname his mother gave him.

"How are you doing?" she continued

"Oh I'm great. And I know you are good too because I can see you gained some weight" he said smiling

"Really? said Mrs. George with a cheerful smile.
"And who is this?" asked Mrs. George with a questioning look as she lowered her spectacles down to the bridge of her nose...

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