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"What do you mean?" she asked perplexed
'Is he trying to ditch me now?' she thought to herself.

"My mum doesn't really like you and I.... (he gave a pause), I don't care whatever she says. This relationship can't go on without you being part of my life" he said smiling as he got down on one knee, took out a small velvet box and brought out a ring.

"Gosh" she said surprised with her hands covering her face.

"Will you marry me, Allison"

"Yes, I will. I will!" she said as she laughed and cried tears of joy.

She brought forth her hands and he pushed the rings into her ring finger.
He lifted her up and danced around with her, unfortunately Silvia was out on business and wasn't at home with them.

Allison broke the news to her 3 friends and there was celebration. They took yogurt instead of wine because of Allison's unborn child.

Allison POV:
As he brought out the ring, my heart was beating fast. I couldn't quite fathom what was going on at the moment.
I don't love him yet but I think I will grow to love him. Everything just seems so sudden.

"What!" Yelled Mrs. George
"Robert, you disrespectful child, how could you.. blah blah blah Mrs. George ranted

Mr. George tried calming her down but it was to no avail.

"Our wedding is going to be exquisite" whispered Robert's while his mother was ranting

*Hehe hehe* she giggled.

Allison and the girls went out again to celebrate 🥂. Mrs. George wasn't happy about the wedding but she was only excited because she was in charge of the planning and she wanted it to be the best in town.


*3 months later*


"Breathe Allison, Breathe" Allison said to herself as she was looking into the mirror.

"You can do this, just walk down to him and say I do" she added

She was dressed in an off-shoulder body con flowing gown matched with a white platform heels. The make-up artists did a good job. She applied clear lipgloss and painted her nails white, with white earring. Her natural kinky curls was styled beautifully with accessories on her hair.
Everything was beautiful and the  pink bouquet matched it all together. She was gorgeous.

"I can't believe this is me" she said to the girls and the artists.

"I also can't believe this is you" said Mariam.

*Shutter* went the camera as they took a picture with Allison.

🎵Here comes the bride.....🎵 was played as  Allison made her way down the aisle with Silvia's husband since she had no father.

"Do you, Robert, take Allison to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, in wealth and poverty. " the Bishop asked.

" Yes, I do" replied Robert as he took a quick glance at Allison with a smile.

" And do you, Allison take Robert to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in wealth and poverty. " the Bishop asked

" I do" she replied.
" I now proclaim you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the Bishop said finally

He raised her veil up and kissed her.

"Aww" the church echoed as the kissed.

Pictures were taken, a lot of food here and there was being served, gifts were given to the couple's and there was a lot of dancing.
Allison threw her bouquet up into the air for the bridesmaids to catch.

"I got it, I got it" yelled an old classmate of hers, Angela.

The party soon came to an end and everyone retired home.

Allison went home to see her mother with her newly wedded husband. She brought gifts for her. She brought her to the city and bought a house for her which she lived in with a caretaker.

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