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Georgia, United States

Allison was back on her feet and was as cheerful as her usual self. Her business was successful and she made enough money to take care of her mother and daughter.

She later found out that Robert was promiscuous even before getting married to her. He continued with his amorous activities and spent the night with various girls.

"Well, see where it ended him" Allison rasped

Allison read from the news that a rich business tycoon in raleigh had been embarrassed by his girlfriend who found him cheating with another lady. She fought with the other lady who was still in her underwear and it was in front of his home.

She hissed and turned off the phone.
She didn't ever regret her choices of walking out on him.
Jane had already began grade two and Allison gave her home lessons. She was very intelligent. Her mom always told her the story of her father and how he was a cheat.

Jane's birthday was coming up and Allison made it very special.

"Guys, I'm inviting you to my birthday next week. Venue, my house." Jane told her classmates. 

The birthday was one of a kind. Balloons of different shapes, a big cake of princess Elsa. The birthday girl was dressed in a pink ball gown. She was a biracial child and her curls were pulled into a double ponytail. Not forgetting the pink scrunchies.

"Everyone, let's shout happy birthday Jane on the count of 3" echoed the m.c {Master of ceremony}

" One, two, three!"

" Happy birthday Jane!" the whole crowd yelled.

She closed her eyes and made a wish and then blew her candles out


Jane began to disturb her mother about seeing her father.

"Even if he was bad to you and didn't care about me, I still want to see him in person" she said to her mother.

She didn't know what to say to the little girl.

"Huh mum!" She persisted
"Alright"  I replied
"Yay." she celebrated

Allison's POV
I can't believe I'm going to look at the face of that devil once more.
Ugh, I hate him so bad I want him dead. But because of little Jane, I just have to.

I sat down in my room and made the online booking for the flight for the next three days which is on a sunday and started getting everything ready. I called Jane and told her to pack and she happily went back.

On Saturday breaking Sunday, I decided that I and Jane dress in a native African ankara gown matched with flat black shoes and a headtie to match the dress. Jane was actually white with curly hair. So we went to the airport the next day, because our flight was by 5:00am.
I walked into the airport building and headed for a seat, I went ahead to get my bag checked and wait for the flight when I heard a deep and familiar husky voice.

"Hello" the voice greeted

I turned to see who it was and my eyes widened at the sight of the person. It was the same man I used to meet in the restaurant when I was having challenges with Robert.

"Hii!" I greeted back

"So good to see you" I said with a smile.

"Miss me?" He asked

"Not that much" I replied

" Jane say hi" I urged

" Hii sir" Jane greeted

" Hello dear, you look nice" he said

"Thank you sir"

"So are you travelling too or you're an escort to someone." I asked

"I'm actually travelling to see my mom" he replied.
" I never got the chance to know your name before, so what is it?" He added

"Allison" I said simply

"My name is Chris"

"And my name is Jane" yelled Jane

We both chuckled

We boarded the plane together and off we went. I sat beside Jane while he sat opposite us. The ride was fantastic, he made jokes and made us laugh, he told us facts and stories which meant he was intelligent.

I think I'm gonna enjoy my trip because, I'll get to see my friends again and see how the store is faring.

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