New watches as Off gently drags Gun back down to sit and rubs his back to calm him down. He glares at Jumpol before packing his things and leaving the library, not uttering a single word.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. Remember, we're in a library." Off whispers to Gun.

Gun fully calms down after a few seconds. "I'm sorry for exploding like that. What he said just made me so mad..."

Off grins at him. "Thank you for standing up for me, but don't take all the blame. I also had the choice to put a stop to the confession when I noticed Mild wasn't there but I didn't."

Gun sighs and nods, accepting Off's reassurance. The latter grins at this, but the grin almost instantly disappears when he notices the library's entrance.

Oh, fuck.

"Mild..." Off mutters under his breath.

Gun brings his head up in question, "What? Did you say something?"

"Don't look behind you but Mi–" and Gun did the exact opposite, not even waiting for Off to finish. However, he regrets it once he sees Mild walk in.

"Oh shit."


"Why are we doing this, Off!?" Gun whispered to his best friend. "Is it because she came with Mek?"

Off's eyes widened. "T-That's the Mek dude you were talking about?!"

Gun nods.

"He looks like he can beat me to a pulp if I make him mad..." Off cringes at the thought and Gun snickers.

"And why would you make him mad?"

"I-I don't know, just an imaginary situation. Pretty sure I won't have any interactions with him... hopefully."

"Gosh, someone's talking a lot at a place like this." Off and Gun heard Mild say with an exasperated sigh.

Mek laughs. "Yeah, but don't mind them... they'll probably get scolded by the librarian soon. Anyways... how's it going with... them?"

Gun notices the stress on the word them and furrows his brows. "It seems like they're gonna talk about us..." He whispered to Off.

"What perfect timing, huh?" Off whispers back and Gun nods.

Mild frowns. "How's it going with them, hm... I don't know. I haven't talked to them ever since the day I came over to yours."

Off's forehead creases and he frowns. "What the fuck? She went to his house?"

"Calm down, don't cause a scene," Gun warned, holding onto Off's fists for dear life.

"Seriously? Are they even trying?" Mek says, clicking his tongue.

"Hey, don't say that about them. Frankly, I've been trying to avoid them, and I guess I'm doing a pretty good job. I even skipped my classes with them." Mild responded and Mek nodded.

"But don't you think it's better to just confront them?"

"Why should I have to do that, though? For the sake of being friends? Eh. Plus, even if we do get along again, I'm sure it won't be the same as before."

Gun frowns and his shoulders slump down.

This is all my fault.

This is all because of me!

Our friendship is falling apart because I couldn't do my job prop–

"Stop thinking so loudly. Your face screams 'I hate myself so much'." Off comments quietly after giving Gun's head a smack, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I already told you, right? It's not entirely your fault."

Gun doesn't look at him. "It's frustrating to know the fact I started it, though."

"I know..." Off pats his shoulder.

"Then are you just gonna let them confront you?" Mek spoke again.

They see Mild nod. "Yeah. It's their choice if they want to still be friends with me... I admit I was about to do something I probably shouldn't have done to Gun since he still is my best friend."

"You mean when you almost slapped him? I don't know, Mild... in my opinion, he kind of deserves it. You told him you liked Off and he suddenly goes and steals him away from y..."

Mek's voice faded away and soon enough, Gun could barely hear anything. He feels a large pair of hands cover his ears and he turns to Off, who was grinning at him.

"Don't listen to what he was saying," He hears Off say once the older one pulled his hands away. "Got it?"

Gun... feels his heartbeat quicken and he looks away, nodding. "Got it."

"Now, let's stop eavesdropping on them and get out of here?" Off suggested, standing up from their spot. Gun looks at him with a confused face as he stands up.

"But what about class...? I have English next."

Off laughs slightly and grabs Gun's hand, leading him away from Mild and Mek and going to the direction of their table. He asked, "What about it?"

"It's not like you understand anything in that class." Off added.

Gun tried taking his hand back but Off held onto it tighter. "W-Whatever! We can't just skip class!"

The older one ignores what his best friend says and grabs everything from the desk, shoving Gun's things at his chest before dragging the boy out of the library, making sure Mek and, or, Mild didn't see them.

"Off, we aren't gonna skip class, are we!?" Gun tugs at his hand, wanting to let go of Off.

Off lets out a big, proud HA HA and turns back to Gun. "You have no choice in this. We're skipping for the day!" He cheers.

Gun sighs. Knowing he can't change Off's mind, he lets himself get yanked to their university's parking lot and to Off's motorcycle. "Where are we going anyway?" Gun asked, packing his stuff into his bag.

The older one does a thinking pose, his right hand on his chin with his left hand on his hip as he tilts his head up. Off looks at Gun and smiles for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

"Dunno!" He exclaims and gets his extra helmet, placing it on Gun's head and locking it for him.

"Ai'Off!" The smaller male calls out, hitting Off's arm.

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