Viridian and Crimson pt.3

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Katsuki is still in the same threatening position, with a knife pointed at his neck. In a split second though, Izuku is standing a few feet away from him, just like earlier.

"Y'know something, Katsuki? I used to hate mirrors." I said.

"Every time I look at my reflection in the mirror, I don't recognize who's staring back at me." - chapter 2

I pulled out one of my longer blades, so sharp, and so clean. You could see a perfect reflection in it, just like a mirror. I held it in from of my face so the flat side was facing me, and smiled.

"Now, when I look into the mirror, I know exactly who's staring back at me. It's no longer that weak, shy Izuku from middle school. It's Crimson-Viridity."

Katsuki doesn't know what to say. He has no clue in the slightest. The Izuku he used to know... isn't there anymore.

I put my blade away, turning my attention back to Katsuki. He looks quite shaken, if you ask me. It's quite amusing.

It's nice to see him in my spot for once.

I've always wondered what'd it look like to see Katsuki in the same position I was in all those years ago.

I can see why he loved seeing me that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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