Chapter 8

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I've made so much progress in the last month and a half.

School lets out in about 3 weeks, and then the entrance exams for UA begin at the end of February. I'm cutting it close, but I know I'll get done in time. I'd say I'm around 90% done with all my planning and gathering supplies, which has taken me 9 and a half months so far. I have a month to finish.

I'm more than capable of doing it.

The main things I need to do now, is save up a bunch of money for the rest of my essentials, and so that I can live on my own without dying. Also, the most important part, is to find someone who can fake my death for me. I already have someone in mind for that part...

*Two days ago

I was walking to the store to get some groceries for my mom, when I saw a low-life criminal running in my direction with a purse. I've been working out and working on my technique for quite a while now... maybe I should test my skills? I thought to myself as he neared closer to me. I don't have a quirk, so it won't be illegal to take him down. It's not like I'm going to kill him for stealing a purse.


Fuck it.

Once the criminal was in arms length I readied my left fist and swung straight up into his jaw. He let out a painful groan and the purse came flying out of hands. I quickly grabbed the purse before turning back to the criminal I had just knocked onto the ground. Only to see that he wasn't there. The hell? I grew confused until I heard a yell from behind me. I quickly turned around and was barely able to dodge the mans fist. How'd he move away so fast?? I asked myself. Must be his quirk... I quickly put the purse down in a safe spot and stood back up and took out my pocket knife. I've been training for this. He came running at me once more and threw his fist out to punch me. I ducked under his fist and put a large cut on the side of his torso. He stumbled slightly before turning around to face me.

"You're crazy, kid!" The man said while holding a hand over his side to stop the bleeding. Thanks. Luckily, we found our way to an alleyway where nobody could see us. I wiped my knife off on my pants before putting it back in my pocket. I stood up straight and glared at him. "Well I didn't have much choice since you stole someone's purse." I said. "You're not even a hero! It's illegal to harm anyone out on the streets, no matter what the reason is!" He shouted. "No, actually, it's not. It's only illegal if you use your quirk in public. I don't have a quirk. So, it was perfectly legal. Thank you very much." I stated.

It was self defense by the time he had gone in for the first punch.

"Listen, kid. I don't want any problems. Just let me go and I'll be on my way." The man said. "Tell me, what's your quirk?" I asked. I was intrigued. If it's any similar to what I'm thinking... this guy could potentially be a big help. "Huh? Why do you wanna know?" He asked, a bit of annoyance in his tone. "Just answer the damn question." I snapped. I'm not usually like this, but this guy is getting on my nerves. He flinched at my sudden change in tone.

"O-okay. My quirk is illusion." He started. Perfect. "I can create illusions of myself, objects, or other people as long as I know certain details. If it's a person, I need to know their height, weight, and their visual appearance." He continued. This is better than I thought... I just got real lucky. "They're pretty much like clones. I can make an illusion and turn it off whenever I want. When I stop it, it just disappears. Depending on the size of the object, the time the illusion lasts can vary. Creating other people can be tricky, but the longest I've held an illusion of a person for was about a day." He explained. Interesting.

I went back to where I set down the purse earlier and picked it up, then walked back over to the man. "I need your number." I said bluntly. "W-why?" He asked. "If you give me your number, you'll find out later." I replied. I found a pen and gave it to him, and he wrote it down on a piece of paper that I also found. "Here." He said, handing me the paper. "Thanks!" I said, back to my cheerful tone that I usually display. He looked shocked for a moment before I ushered him away. "You can go now." I told him. At that, he quickly walked away. I sighed.

Eventually, I found the person that the purse was stolen from and gave it back to them. I finally made my way to the store, like I originally came here to do. I texted my mom saying I would be a little late coming back home, just so she wouldn't worry. I got the groceries needed and walked back home. It was around 6pm, so the sun was beginning to set.

The walk was very peaceful.

Once I got home, I set the bags on the kitchen counter and went upstairs to change before my mom could notice the blood stain on my pants. I'll have to wash these out myself... I thought to myself as I groaned.

After I got changed, I took the piece of paper out of my pocket and put the number into my phone. When the time is right, I'll tell him about what I need him to do for me. I'll even pay him to do it if I have to. He's my ticket to achieving my long awaited goal.

*Back to present

So that was quite the eventful evening. Now, onto my job. I've been working just as hard, if not harder, to earn as much money as possible. I've been working at a pet store, and my pay is around $9 an hour. Pretty decent if you ask me. Originally, I just got this job for the money, which is still the main reason. But, it's actually fun as well. I mean, I get to be around a bunch of different animals every day I work. Fish, hamsters, bunnies, lizards, snakes, etc. I like looking at the animals when I have nothing else to do. It's pretty peaceful, if I'm being honest. By next month, I'll have enough money to fend for myself for a little while. I've been saving up not only for supplies, but also because once the deed is done, I can't go getting another job, not without someone recognizing me or my name. So, I need to have enough money so that I can get food, buy clothes, and get any other essentials I may need.

Some of the side effects of faking your own death and running away, do suck. But, for the most part, it's worth it.

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