Chapter 9

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February 14th

Today's the day.

I'm finally free from my current life.

School ended about 4 weeks ago, so I've been spending this last little bit of time saving up money. Yesterday, though, I bought chocolates for my mom. It's Valentine's Day. I have to get her at least something... before I leave. I know it's kinda crappy, leaving on Valentine's Day. But I can't think about that right now. It's early in the afternoon, and I'm finishing packing up as of currently. I don't need to bring a lot, especially since I'm not a fan of All Might anymore. I'm honestly glad I don't have to see all those figures anymore. I just packed the essentials, and the things I bought specifically for this. I messaged the Illusionist the other day, explaining what I needed from him. Illusionist is just a nickname I gave him. I think it suits him well.

Izuku: yo, illusion guy. It's me, the kid who caught you stealing that purse a few weeks back.

Illusionist: okay, kid, what do you want?

Izuku: I'm glad you asked! You see, I need your help with something very important. And your quirk is just thing I need to make it work.

Illusionist: okay, and?

Izuku: basically, I need a favor. I need to fake my own death.

Illusionist: say what now?? The hell you need to fake your own death for? You're just a kid!

Izuku: the details don't apply to you. All you need to know, is that the next time I text you, I'll send you a location and you need to be there by the time I give you. I need you to use your quirk, so you can make an illusion of me dying. Got it?

Illusionist: am I at least gonna get paid for this?

Izuku: not unless it's necessary. I let you go that day, remember? I didn't call the cops on you. So, this is what I want in return for sparing you trouble with the police. I'll pay you if you plan to rat me out for doing this, though. But, I don't think you're that stupid. We don't want to repeat what happened a few weeks ago, do we?

Illusionist: ...fine. I'll help you. No need to pay me for it either.

Izuku: alright, thanks! Pleasure doing business with you! I'll send you the time and location sometime soon, so be ready.

Pfft. Sorta pathetic. A man somewhere in his 20's taking orders from a 15 year old kid...

And that's where we are now. I just sent him the location and the time to be there by, and I'm about to head there as well. He doesn't know the details of how I want to "die" yet, but he'll find out soon enough. I left the chocolates on my bed, as well as yet another note. Oh, the nostalgia. I fit the last of my things in my new backpack, changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and the dark green hoodie I bought a while back. Oh yeah, about the hoodie. I did end up customizing it a little bit after all. Just for the fun of it, I sewed matching colored bunny ears onto the sides of the hood. I thought it was cute, and it made the hoodie less plain than before.

Once I made sure everything was set, I walked over to my window with my backpack in hand. I quietly opened my window and made sure nobody was nearby, before swinging my backpack over my back and climbing over the windowsill. I carefully dropped down, and landed on the grass. Our house was a two story house, but it was small. It wasn't too high up, I could easily jump out of the window without causing much, if any harm to my body if I wanted to. I pulled my hood over my face and began running towards the back of my house. It would take a little longer to get into the city, but at least nobody will see me if I go this way.

The location I chose was the roof of an old building. So original, right? Anyways, I told Illusionist to be there by 2 or earlier, it's around 1:45 right now. By the time I reach my destination, it'll be 2pm.

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