Chapter 5

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Monday, April 11th

It's now the day I go back to school. Sigh. I can't wait to see Kacchan, just so he can beat my ass for trying to kill myself. Screwed up, right? I think so. I took my time eating breakfast, I'm highly dreading going to school today. Not only do I have to deal with Kacchan, I also have all the other students to worry about. I mean, I've been gone for a week. They don't know what happened to me. They're gonna bombard me with questions that I don't want to answer.

I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink, grabbed my bag and walked over to the door. "Bye, Mom! I'll see you after school!" I called out to her. "Okay, honey! Be careful, I love you!" She called back. "Love you too!" I said, closing the door behind me. I began slowly walking in the direction of my school. I don't care if I'm late today. The teachers won't either. They must have at least some background knowledge on what happened. I mean, I can't just miss a week of school without an explanation.

*At school

I'm standing outside my classroom. I don't want to go in. UGHHHHHHH. I grab the door handle and open the door. Immediately all eyes are on me. Including Bakugo's. He quickly turns away once my eyes catch his, though. I hastily take my seat and wait for the teacher to continue the lesson. I can feel him staring at me, probably surprised to see me late to school. Eventually though, class resumed, and I could breathe again.

Every now and then, I felt Bakugo's eyes burning into the back of my skull. I'm not sure why, but I can only assume that he's mad at me. That's how it normally is.

*After school

What the hell is going on. Today, all day, every class period... he didn't do anything. He didn't taunt me with his words, didn't use his quirk on me, didn't even say anything to me at all. I mean, I'm definitely not complaining, but... huh?? That's not like him. I don't understand why he didn't do anything. Sure, I caught him staring a few times, but that was it. Nothing more than lingering stares.

Was it because I told him I hated him? He should've known that, though. After everything he's done... he wanted me to hate him, right?

I was making my way back home, thinking about why Bakugo ignored me today.

"Oi! Nerd!" Bakugo? What? I stopped in my tracks and turned around to meet those piercing crimson eyes of his.

"What is it, Bakugo?" I asked. He seemingly froze in shock for a moment before returning back to his usual scowl. "What you said the other day..." he started. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Our conversation over the phone? "Did you mean it?" He asked, looking down at his shoes and kicking a rock. "What? When I said I hated you?" I stated bluntly. He looked up at me, eyes wide for a moment before looking off to the side to avoid eye contact.

"Yes, Bakugo. I meant it. Why would I lie bout something like that? You wanted me to hate you anyways, right? I don't get the problem." I said. He flinched at my words. Why is he acting like this? "Right. Forget about it." He said quietly as he turned around, most likely heading back home as well.

I watched him for a moment longer before turning back around and continuing my walk home. That was odd... I thought to myself.

When I got back home, I greeted my mom like always, then went up to my bedroom. I set my school bag down and sat down on my bed, and began reflecting on today. Definitely very odd... Bakugo never acts like that. I thought. I shrugged it off, though. At least for now.

*Time skip to next Monday

It's been a whole week. Bakugo started bullying me again, but definitely not as harsh as he used to. He doesn't abuse me with his quirk anymore, which is nice, but she still often spews insults at random times of the day. I'm not gonna lie, it's nice to get a break from his usual bullying antics... but I can only imagine how much longer he's going to keep this up. That's not the only thing that's changed in the last week, though.

I've been planning.

I began thinking about it sometime last week, but only started actually putting my thoughts into action 2 days ago, Saturday. You see, I'm still not content with how my life is going. If you didn't know that by now, you must be stupid. On Friday, Bakugo's insults became way more harsh all of a sudden. I don't know where it came from, but I don't like it. Duh. I sighed.

Anyways, I started cutting again after I got home from school that day. I went to my second session of therapy on Saturday as well, which went well. Rina is kind and understanding, so I like her. It's just the therapy part I don't enjoy. Back to what I was saying in the beginning.

I decided I'm going to leave. You may be wondering, what do you mean, Izuku? How and why are you going to leave? Well...

I'm going to fake my own death.

What? You all know I'm perfectly capable of doing something like that. It's true.

I don't want to sound like a coward, but I don't feel like having another failed suicide attempt. So, instead, I'm going to pretend I killed myself, and then run away. I'll finally be free.

Free from school.

Free from my mom having to constantly worry about me when I'm not back home at a certain time.

And most importantly...

Free from Katsuki Bakugo.

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