Chapter 30

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Katsuki's POV- April 20th

Just got home from school, the extras decided it was a great idea to throw me a fucking surprise party. I told them I don't like that shit, but do they listen? No.

I slammed the door open to my house as per usual, immediately going up the stairs to go to my room and take a nap. Of course, before I could finally get some price and quiet, the bag decided to call me.

"KATSUKI GET OVER HERE!" She yelled from the kitchen. "I'M COMING OLD HAG!" I yelled back.

I swear it's like this every single damn day.

"What the hell do you want??" I asked once I got to the kitchen.

"Don't talk to your mother like that you brat." She said, smacking the top of my head like she does everyday. I winced and glared at her, waiting for her to continue. "Your rooms a mess. Go clean it up." She continued.

I continued glaring at her before turning around and going back up the stairs. "DID YOU HEAR ME YOU BRAT??" I heard her yell, again. "YEAH, YEAH, I FUCKING HEARD YOU!" I yelled back before opening the door to my room and slamming it behind me with much more force than needed.

I sighed and slipped my backpack from off my shoulders letting it fall to the ground with a thud. I looked over my room to see how dirty it really was- and it was pretty bad.

I'm not going to lie. I never notice how bad it gets. My eyes met my nightstand and I froze in place.

A spider lilly was placed directly in the middle of it.

"What the fuck.." I whispered before running to it and picking it up in my hand. I looked around my room frantically, searching for whoever the fuck was messing with me.

This has to be a joke, right?

It's not possible.

It can't be.

I looked back down to the flower in my hand. The spider lilly represents final goodbyes, or death.

"Deku..." I whispered under my breath, crushing the flower in my palm.

July 1st*

Today I realized that flower holds more meaning than I thought. It was a sign, something to make me remember.

To make me remember what I did.

That flower made me truly realize... how much I regret it all. Everything I did, I regret it.

Deep down I've always regretted what I did back in middle school. I just kept pushing those feelings down so I didn't have to deal with them. It works, clearly.

Spider lillies mean death. To me, it's way more personal than that. To Deku, it's way more personal than that.

And now I know for sure, that he's out there. He's still alive.

I got a note today.

Dear Katsuki,

It's been a while, huh? I hope you liked the gift I brought you on your birthday. I thought it was very meaningful.

That's not what I'm writing this to you for, though.

I want you to meet me at the remains of the Nomu factory, where All Might defeated All For One, on July 15th.

I'm sure you recognize that date.

I hope to see you there. If not, there will be consequences.


Now, I'm sure this Crimson-Viridity guy is Deku. He's the one that gave me that flower on my birthday. Deku's birthday is July 15th. Explains the day he wants me to meet him.

Even after all this time, I still remember the nerds birthday.

AN: next chapter will be back to Izuku's POV, just in case you get confused <3

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