"Well that's what we're here for" He already knew what was about to happen. He knew once their mother's and the planner walked inside the room that it would be nothing but wedding talk and April would get swept away in planning. He was cool with it though. This is what he wanted and had been asking her to do from jump. They were finally making more progress when it came to their wedding in general. Besides he wanted to make sure that April got everything she wanted when it came to their wedding. Like he said it had to be better than her last. For him this was their first and last wedding so he wanted to make sure that it was almost perfect because of course it wouldn't be them if it was perfect. Nothing about them was perfect besides the fact that they were perfect for each other and together.

They would all be viewing the venue together but their mothers and the wedding planner wanted them to view it beforehand before giving them their input. It had been that way all day. They had already viewed where the actual wedding would take place and now they were currently viewing where their reception would be held. About twenty minutes later their mothers and the wedding planner joined them.

"Peanut this is it" Ananda said smiling as she looked around the room herself. It was nice but even she knew that it could be better. As far as the spot this was definitely it. It had way more potential than what they were seeing. It wasn't a bad set up by any means it just wasn't speaking Dave and April.

"Agreed" Faye said sounding just like April and the rest of the girls. Dave shook his head.

"It is mommies" she said to both Ananda and Faye and just like that she was gone. Both Ananda and Faye had looped their arms around hers as they went about the room talking, planning, and taking photos of the spot. Dave smiled even more. He loved the relationship April and his mother had and the fact that he had the same kind of bond with her parents was a plus.

Granted as they looked around the room they did let him add his input and ideas so all in all it was a win. In the long run they were just happy that the place looked like the actual photos because this day could've been an epic bust. They continued walking around each adding their own ideas and scratching certain ideas off the list but ultimately it was down to April and Dave. Both Faye and Ananda knew that they could add all the ideas they wanted but if Dave and April didn't like it then they both had no choice but to understand and respect it. Luckily for the most part Dave and April had loved their ideas. They weren't outlandish or looked like they were planning a wedding for someone else. They understood the assignment and were getting the job done. Once they were done adding and bouncing around ideas they all sat down and had another meeting with their planner. They were going into further detail about a few things and once it was done wedding planning was officially over for the rest of the weekend. Meaning it was time for everyone to kick back and relax their feet. They had flown out their wedding planner and made sure all of her expenses were paid as well as her time and services.

Their wedding planner was a young black woman named Tesha Savoy who was actually one of Dave and Errol's childhood friends. She was one of those cousins who weren't actually your cousin. You know a play cousin. She was an event planner who had a successful business. It was small but it was growing. She planned everything from baby showers, birthday parties, regular parties, brunches, and so on but this was her first wedding. When they had first started planning like legit coming together and planning with their mothers it was cool but they all realized that they were going to need some professional help. Both Dave and April agreed to work with someone black. They also wanted someone who was recognized but someone who also needed an extra push to really get them out there and get their feet in the door. They had looked and searched for someone but hadn't really felt for anyone until they stumbled upon Tesha. Dave ran her background credentials to April, spoke good about her character, showed her some of the events she planned, and once they called her up and got their first consultation they knew she was the one.

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