Chapter 8

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"Mix .." Win said hugging him, Mix hugged him back breaking from the trance he was in. But before Win could say anything else he and New were pulled by his brother to go somewhere.

As soon as they were gone Tay said "Wait a second I will be right back" and followed them leaving him alone with Earth who he noticed  was staring at him.


"Mix nooh watch over the shop for me I am going to the doctor "
The old woman left the shop telling the 11 years old Mix to look after it .

Mix has gotten real good at serving people and with money and helped his moma to run their small meatballs and noodles business on the outskirts of Phuket .He went to a nearby school and would work in the shop when necessary. His moma would tell him to study more but he knew he will have to work as soon as he was old enough to get employed for anything as he needed to help his moma who was turning old .He wasn't moma' s biological child, she found him in the streets and took him in so moma was his only family .His real parents was either dead or didn't want him. This would often made him sad but he pushed through it and tried to be happy.

"Hello can I get 3 bowls of meatballs please"  said someone making Mix snap out of his thoughts.
"Ah sure phi "he said and looked at the guy .He was tall , handsome and had a tanned skin and muscular body ,he must clearly be in collage Mix thought .
"Here you go phi it will be 40 bhat " Mix said handing over the packet of food .

For the next few days the guy came and asked for the exact same menu around evening.

A few  days later ................................

"Bye  moma " Mix said before running out of the shop towards the school. He was already late and he had no intention of getting into any teacher's bad book he was a good student and he was keen on keeping the reputation.

"Ah I am sorry " Mix said as he bumped into someone just outside the school gates .The tall guy turned around and Mix was shocked to see it was the same guy who came to the shop the other day .He thought the guy was in collage but apparently he was in the same school as him .Then again he has never seen him before, as he looked at his uniform he  understood why as the guy was 4 grades above him.
(Note :so guys I have very little clue about how Thai schools work as I am not from there .As far as I know they have a division for 6 years in primary level where students are mostly from 6 to 12 years of age and then they go on to the secondary  level but the thing is I don't know if the secondary and primary level takes place in the same campuses or not .Like in my country ,India we often  have pre primary ,primary ,secondary and higher secondary in same campus and often in same buildings .So if this doesn't happen in Thailand lets just assume it does for the story )

He didn't know why but he had an  urge to talk to the guy but he was getting late so he decided to run in for now .

Time skip..........................................

Mix had tried to find the guy in the school but he couldn't so he has completed his homework early , helping his moma and was keeping an eye for him. And the guy did came .

"Can I  get 3 bowls of meatball " Earth asked politely . Yes Mix now knew who he was. Earth was the most intelligent student in their school , he was not only good at studying but also in swimming and has represented their school in national levels already . But apparently he was a private person and didn't have any friends  at all , he likes to keep to himself . Mix also knew Earth's father owned a bakery in this area .Mix had no clue why but he wanted to befriend the older boy .

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