Chapter 14: Responsibility

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Dracula and Ericka's wedding was eventually cancelled due to the 'unexpected events' that happened earlier tonight. Most of the guests are inside their rooms while some are in the emergency room to fix their wounds and injuries.

After Johnny was fixed up, he immediately went in the attic and repaired his damaged equipment. He wore his lab coat and protective goggles to start repairing his web shooters but because of his injury, he had to take it slow one at a time.

Johnny was only able to fixed one of his web shooters and his mask. When Johnny heard a knock on the door, he removed his protective goggles and opened the door. It was Dracula and Mavis.

MAVIS: Hey, how are you feeling?

JOHNNY: Great, I guess... (*grunt) still have a few broken bones... but it'll heal.

Johnny limped back to his desk and continued working on his project.

DRACULA: What on earth are you doing in here?

JOHNNY: What does it look like?

Johnny exclaimed as he snapped a bit from the stress, making Dracula and Mavis a bit surprised from his sudden reaction.

JOHHNY: Most of equipment were damaged during the fight. My suit is torn up and I have to repair my web-shooters all over again! And those psychopaths that wanted to kill me are still out there....

DRACULA: Whoa whoa! Johnny, calm down!

Johnny went silent while blankly staring at Dracula and Mavis. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

JOHNNY: (*sigh) You're right... I'm sorry... It's just a lot to take in that's all. I'm really sorry about your wedding, Drac.

DRACULA: Me and Ericka will decide on that once everything is back to normal. Don't worry about it.

MAVIS: Well, since that we're all here, mind if explain what happened out there? And how are you.... do those moves?

Johnny felt guilty about keeping his powers to Dracula and Mavis for a very long time. He decided to tell them the whole truth.

JOHNNY: You mean like this?

Johnny demonstrated as he started crawling through the walls and made it on the ceiling. Dracula and Mavis widened their eyes in disbelief that an ordinary human could do that.

MAVIS: We've never seen you do something like that before!

DRACULA: Where and and when did that came from, anyway!?

JOHNNY: Spider-bite.

DRACULA: Johnny, now is not the time for jokes!

JOHNNY: I'm not joking!

Johnny said as he landed on the ground but winced in pain.

JOHNNY: I've been like this since I was 15. We had a school field trip about a research of new species. Turns out that one the radioactive spiders escaped and I was bitten by it. All you have to know is that I've never asked for these powers in the first place.

DRACULA: And you didn't even bother telling us this before?

JOHNNY: I'm sorry, ok. I really hate keeping this kind of secret from you guys, but I really thought I was done from this life. Turns out, things didn't go well according to plan.

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