Chapter 4: Johnny In Action

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

At the human village....
Dracula and Johnny finally arrived at the human village to rescue Mavis and Ericka from a potential danger. Dracula kept bumping through some crowd nearby in panic.

DRACULA: Johnny, hurry up! Mavis and Ericka could be in serious danger!

JOHNNY: Drac, just calm down! Everything is going to be alright! We'll find them eventually!

DRACULA: You better be right about this, Johnathan!

After a few minutes of searching for the two women, Dracula and Johnny were able to spot Mavis and Ericka in front of the building.


MAVIS: Daddy!

DRACULA: Oh, thank goblins you two are alright.

Dracula sighed in relief and quickly embraced both Mavis and Ericka tightly around his arms.

People were still panicking while getting out of the burning building. Johnny decided to help out a man tripped on the floor back up on his feet.

JOHNNY: Are you alright? Is anybody still in that building?

(man): Yeah, I'm fine. But I think there's a kid still stuck on the second floor.

When Johnny heard about the kid trapped inside, he looked up at the burning building and looks back at Dracula, Mavis, and Ericka.

DRACULA: What do you think you're doing?

JOHNNY: Make sure everyone has gotten out safely!

Johnny ran towards the burning building and went inside to save the endangered child.

ERICKA: Johnny, where are you going!?


Johnny walked around the hallway and everything was on fire and started coughing. Johnny then heard the voice of a crying child coming behind the door beside.

JOHNNY: I'm coming in! Hang on!

Johnny kicked the door open with all of his strength. When Johnny entered the small burning apartment, he sensed that rubles were about fall above him.

Johnny managed to roll away quickly before the rubles hit the floor. When Johnny got back up, he heard the child behind the closet. He opened the closet and saw the crying kid hiding there.

JOHNNY: It's okay. It's okay. I'm getting you out of here.

Johnny carries the kid on his arms and headed out from the apartment before it burns down.

Dracula, Mavis, and Ericka were waiting outside and feared that something might have happened to Johnny back inside.

To their relief, Johnny made it out from the building carrying the child safely back to her mother.

(woman): Oh, thank you so much! You saved my baby!

JOHNNY: (*cough) Don't worry.... she's safe now.

A few hours later, the firefighters were able cool down the building and were able to aid the injured.

Johnny was able to get the rest he needed to gain his strength back but still coughing. Dracula, Mavis, and Ericka never left his side.

JOHNNY: I... I'm sorry. I was... just trying to help back there.

MAVIS: (*sigh) I'm just glad you're alright. Just don't scare me like that, okay?

JOHNNY: Agree.

ERICKA: Woah. I can't believe you saved someone tonight. What a hero.

JOHNNY: (*chuckle) Glad I could be useful for once.

DRACULA: What does that mean?

Before Johnny could even answer that, two firefighters came up to them and congratulated Johnny's heroic act.

(firefighter 1): You've got some guts, kid.

(firefighter 2): Some poor soul got trapped on the fourth floor. Never made it out.

(firefighter 1): Oh, dammit! Alright, people! Let's wrap it up!

Instead of feeling great about himself, Johnny felt depressed when heard about the poor victim that he wasn't able to save. It felt like he was carrying too much responsibility around his shoulder.

In the distance, the mysterious man in a hat continued watching Dracula, Mavis, Johnny, and Ericka from the shadows after he CAUSED the fire.

??? (2): Like I said, he couldn't resist seeing someone in danger.

??? (1): We have him now. Time to move on to our next phase of our plan.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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