Chapter 6: The Amazing Spider-Man

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Hotel Transylvania....
Another busy night at the hotel. Dracula was at the front desk giving their respective room keys to their guests.

DRACULA: Yes. Here's your room key. Enjoy your stay.

(guest): Thanks, Drac. Congratulations on your wedding by the way.

DRACULA: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Meanwhile, Mavis and Ericka were at lobby together watching over on Dennis and Winnie playing.

MAVIS: So the wedding is getting closer! Are you excited?

ERICKA: It's going to be the best day of my life! Me and Drac are almost finished with the preparations for the wedding.

MAVIS: I know that you and dad are going to have a wonderful life together.

ERICKA: Thank you, Mavis. That really means a lot to me.

A group of masked goons abruptly entered the lobby holding their armed weapons causing the guests to panic.

MAVIS: Uh... What are those guys doing here?

ERICKA: And why do they have guns?

DRACULA: This is not good. Mavis, get Dennis and Winnie out of here as far as possible and call the police! Ericka, go with Mavis.

ERICKA: Wait! You're not coming with us?

DRACULA: I have to make sure that all of our guests are safe. Just go!

Mavis, Ericka, Dennis, Winnie, and the rest of the guests headed somewhere safe away the lobby while Dracula tried to help the other guests evacuate.

Johnny just got to the lobby holding a small backpack and saw the armed goons that infiltrated the hotel.

JOHNNY: Uh oh. Sounds like trouble.

While no one was looking due from the crowd's panic, Johnny sneaked outside from the exit and started crawling through the walls to get on a higher ground for him to change into his costume from his backpack.

Back at the lobby, the armed goons have taken some of the hotel guests until waiting for their boss to give the order on what to do next.

(goon 1): Why the hell are we doing this again?

(goon 2): No idea. It's just what the boys says, and you don't wanna to know what happens if you don't do what he wants.

(goon 3): Jeez... they call this a hotel? What a dump?

JOHNNY: Hey! You know, if you guys just wanna complain, then just check in to hotel for guys like you. Which is in prison.

The goons were startled when they saw Johnny came out of nowhere wearing his red and blue costume with the yellow eye lens on the red mask and that spider logo on the chest.

The goons were startled when they saw Johnny came out of nowhere wearing his red and blue costume with the yellow eye lens on the red mask and that spider logo on the chest

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