Chapter 5: Working Progress

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Back at the hotel....
Dracula, Mavis, Johnny, and Ericka got back to the hotel lobby after that burning building disaster earlier.

Johnny seemed quiet and depressed after he wasn't able to save that poor victim from the fire. It reminded him that he wasn't able to help Dracula or Mavis when they were in danger.

ERICKA: Well, home sweet home.

JOHNNY: Yeah.... Home, I guess....

Dracula, Mavis, Johnny, and Ericka were surprised to see Frank, Wayne, Murray, Griffin, Eunice, and Wanda waiting for them at the lobby.

FRANK: Hey, Drac. We heard what happened earlier at the village so we came here as soon as possible.

WAYNE: Are you guys alright?

DRACULA: Yes we're all fine. Nobody got hurt, Wayne.

Dennis and Winnie ran into the room they heard that Mavis and Johnny are back.

DENNIS: Mommy! Daddy!

MAVIS: Hi, sweetie!

Dennis jumped on to Mavis and Johnny' arms and hugged them.

WANDA: So what happened back there?

ERICKA: Me and Mavis were exploring the human village until we saw a building on fire.

MAVIS: Johnny went inside the building and save a little girl.


JOHNNY: (*sigh) Luckily, nobody got hurt.

Johnny weakly said and formed a fake smile on his face. This actually caught Dracula's attention. A few minutes later, Dracula got the chance to talk to Johnny just the two of them.

DRACULA: Johnny can I talk to you for a moment?

JOHNNY: Uh... Okay? What is it, pal?

DRACULA: What did you mean by 'being useful for once' earlier?

JOHNNY: What are you talking about?

DRACULA: You've been quiet in our entire trip. Do you wanna talk about something?

JOHNNY: I just wanna help my family with something. I couldn't do anything to help you guys back when the bat cronies attacked on Dennis 5th birthday or the time when you and Mavis were captured by that giant Kraken. Maybe that was chance to prove myself that I wanna be there for Mavis and Dennis, even if I'm just a human.

DRACULA: (*sigh) Johnny, you've always been there for Mavis and Dennis. Just because you're human, doesn't mean you're useless to the family. You've made my Mavy-Wavy the happiest vampire in the world. And if it wasn't for you, all of us wouldn't be here today.

JOHNNY: Maybe it's not enough....

Johnny said as he walked out and headed to his room leaving Dracula behind. He was right about one thing, though....

Johnny wasn't able to help Dracula, Mavis, and Dennis to take down the Bat cronies or saved them from the Kraken.

He thought that his 'alter ego' would've done something 'amazing' to help them. That's why he decided to become that person again.

A few weeks later, Johnny decided to recreate his old red and blue costume and maybe adding some new details. He was searching some ideas on his laptop.

JOHNNY: Spandex... spandex... everything. Spandex.

After Johnny made his final design of his new costume, he started stitching the cloth and placed a 'spider' logo on the chest area.

Johnny was in the attic where he was working on his secret project. He took some old wrist watches and reinvented his web shooters.

When he was about to test his new invention, the small device electrocuted Johnny's finger.

JOHNNY: (*scream) Ahhh! You mother fu.....

Test 2, Johnny started to try his new device again but the web splattered around his face. Johnny yelled in frustration as he tried to remove the web on his face.

Test 3, Johnny shot his new web shooters and it successfully fired a well-structured web. Johnny jumped in celebration until he heard a knock on the door.

Johnny peeked his head in the door and saw a concerned Mavis.

MAVIS: Johnny?

JOHNNY: Mavis! Hey... so what are... what are... what are you doing here?

MAVIS: I heard noises coming from there. Is everything alright.

JOHNNY: Yeah. It's just a little project I've been working on. That's all.

MAVIS: Okay? Do you need any help with it?

JOHNNY: Actually, everything is under control. I'll see you late when I'm finish with my small project. Okay, bye-bye. You're so cutie!

MAVIS: But...

Johnny quickly gave a small kiss on Mavis' lips before he closed the door. This really concerned Mavis on what he was doing but smiled a little when he kissed her.

Outside the hotel....
Two dark vehicle vans filled with armed thugs parked outside the hotel. One of the thugs were talking to the mystery man in a hat over on the phone.

(goon): You sure this is the right place, boss?

??? (2): I'm paying you to raid that damn hotel! You'll find your target there, understand!?

(goon): Yeah, but they're full of monsters in there!

??? (2): And you have armed weapons. If anyone gets in your, kill them.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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