Chapter 9: Spidey in Action

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

The Human Village....
Mavis and Johnny took Dracula with them to explore the village and bond with them for tonight. There were a few tourists who would come up to Dracula and take some pictures with him. He didn't like going out of the hotel at the moment.

DRACULA: Mavis, why are we doing here in the village?

MAVIS: Me and Johnny just want to make sure that you get out from the hotel for once in awhile. Away from work and stress.

DRACULA: Alright, then what are we supposed to do while we're here?

JOHNNY: Well I managed to get a reservation on a restaurant nearby for dinner and after, we'll do whatever you want. It'll be fun, bud. Trust me.

DRACULA: (*sigh) Fine, I guess I'll give it a shot.

MAVIS: That's the spirit, dad!

Dracula, Mavis, and Johnny were able to arrive at the restaurant in time and sat at the reserved table under Johnny's name where they enjoyed the meal. After Johnny paid their bill, they soon left the restaurant and continued exploring the other attractions of the village. Dracula didn't really expected to have fun tonight and it's all thanks to Mavis and Johnny.

MAVIS: It seems like dad is having fun tonight.

JOHNNY: Yeah, he deserves it. He's already getting married in a few day and I'm really happy for him.

MAVIS: Me too.

JOHNNY: Besides, with all of us together, what's the worst thing it could happen?

Johnny's spidey-sense started to tingle as it warns him that danger was nearby. Johnny made an excuse to Dracula and Mavis before checking on what was the danger.

JOHNNY: You know what, why don't you guys go ahead. I'll catch up with you in a bit.

DRACULA: Everything okay?

JOHNNY: Yeah. I just want to check on something. I'll be with you in a minute.

Johnny said as he got separated from Dracula and Mavis.

DRACULA: What do you think he's up to?

Mavis only replied by shrugging her shoulders. She had no idea what's going on with her husband.

Once Johnny gained distance, he ran into a nearby alley way and changed into his traditional red and blue costume.

There was a car chase happening with the police and the armed thugs who just robbed a bank. Once the police car got close to the armed thugs' getaway vehicle, they aggressively bumped into the police car and it flipped on midair.

As they police car was about to hit the crowd of civilians nearby, it was suddenly stopped when an unknown object got between the police car and the civilians.

One of the civilians took a closer look on what stopped the car from crashing in to them.

(woman): It's a web....

It was a gigantic web that protected the civilians. As soon as the civilians were safe, they saw Spider-Man swinging through the buildings.

(woman): Go, Spidey! GO!

Spider-Man used his web shooters to swing through building to building chasing the armed thugs. Spider-Man landed above the speeding vehicle and peeked his head on the window.

SPIDER-MAN: Hey, guys. Any room for one more?

(thug): It's that Spider guy! Get him!

The driver grabbed his gun and started shooting at Spider-Man, who instantly dodges the bullets.

SPIDER-MAN: Woah! No shooting while driving, buddy. Keep your eyes on the road.

Spider-Man started pulling out some of the goons from the car and hanged them with his webbing. Before who could reach to the last thug, Spider-Man noticed that they were approaching to another car at the opposite direction.

SPIDER-MAN: Uh oh. This is bad! I'm gonna get back to you in a sec.

Spider-Man tried to stop the speeding car with his bare hands placed his foot on the road, which caused the cement to crack.

With enough strength, Spider-Man was able to stop to car as he lifted the entire car the moment it stop and placed it back to the ground.

Spider-Man relaxed himself a bit to catch his breath but the last armed thug got out from the car and tried to run. Spider-Man was able to catch the thug and grabbed his gun.

SPIDER-MAN: I'll take that. Oops, that's not yours.

The thug tried to punch Spider-Man who easily dodged the small attack and webbed his arm on a wall beside him while whistling his theme song.

The thug used his other free hand to do the same attack but Spider-Man webbed his other arm at the wall on his other side forming all of his arms of an x.

With the thug unable to move, Spider-Man used his webs to pull down the thug's pants revealing his shorts in embarrassment.

SPIDER-MAN: Alrighty, that's enough play time for you, play. (*whistle)

The crowd cheered for Spider-Man's heroic act before he swings away and cops apprehending the thugs that caught.

(man): Way to go, Spidey!

Spider-Man didn't know that Dracula and Mavis were among the crowds and they suspected something strange after seeing Spider-Man.

MAVIS: Did Spider-Man's voice sound familiar to you?

DRACULA: What a minute... where's Johnny at the moment?

A few moments later, Johnny reunited again with Dracula and Mavis trying to catch his breath.

JOHNNY: (*heavy breath) Hey! You guys alright?

MAVIS: Johnny, where have you been!?

JOHNNY: (*heavy breath) I.... ran.... all the way.... back here to find you guys.... oh, boy. That was a long run....

Dracula and Mavis just stared at each other becoming suspicious about Johnny's weird behavior.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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