Chapter 3: Girls Night Out

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- I'm really disappointed that Sony moved Hotel Transylvania: Transformania to 2022. I hope Sony wouldn't do the same to Spider-Man: No Way Home.

The Next Night...
Mavis and Ericka got themselves ready for their girls night out. Mavis was so excited to explore the human village again and get to know her future stepmother more.

DRACULA: Are you ready to go out and have some fun tonight, honey?

ERICKA: Of course! I think it's nice to get to know Mavis more. After all, she is going to be my new stepdaughter, right?

DRACULA: I know that you and Mavis will have fun tonight and be safe out there.

MAVIS: We'll be fine, dad. Don't worry. See you when we get back.

Dracula gave Mavis and Ericka a goodbye hug and wished to have fun together and left the hotel.

After Mavis and Ericka took the hearse as their transportation, they finally arrived at the human village. The 2 women were awed when they saw how beautiful the human village was with lights and the humans around them.

ERICKA: Woah! Everything is so beautiful in night time.

MAVIS: Johnny takes me here sometimes for our date nights.

ERICKA: Aww, that's so sweet.

MAVIS: So what do you wanna do?

ERICKA: To be honest, I don't really know. I've lived on a ship with my great grandfather in my entire life and I never get to see the rest of the outside world.

MAVIS: I get what you're going through.

ERICKA: Really?

MAVIS: Definitely. Dad was really overprotective. He wouldn't allow me to go outside the hotel until I met Johnny.

ERICKA: From what I can tell, He just wants his little girl to be safe.

MAVIS: I know and I love him for that.

As Mavis and Ericka continued walking through the streets of the human village, little did they know that there was a man watching them behind the shadows.

This mysterious man was wearing a black trench coat and a hat that was completely covering his face from its shadow. This man was also speaking to his 'boss' through the phone.

??? (1): Status report?

??? (2): All I see is the vampire and the captain. No sign of the boy.

??? (1): Do not let your guard. I want confirmed sightings of HIM!

??? (2): He'll come out eventually. That red-head fool cannot resist seeing someone in danger, especially his loved ones....

??? (1): No. Keep your distance for now. We will move forward to our plan once he shows up.

??? (2): I have an idea for that.

Mavis and Ericka enjoyed their time together at the village. They've watched a movie, went shopping for some new clothes, and ate on a restaurant where musicians entertain their customers.

After they've crossed out everything they've done, Mavis and Ericka continued exploring the human village to find more fun activities.

ERICKA: I really had a good time tonight, Mavis. Thank you.

MAVIS: I really had fun tonight too, Ericka. I'm so glad I get to spend time with you tonight.

ERICKA: Well, we better get going. I wonder what are Dracula and Johnny doing back at the hotel.

MAVIS: I'm sure they're doing fine back there.

Mavis and Ericka were interrupted when they heard a crowd of people panicking nearby. When they went to the place where the commotion was coming, they gasped at the horror before them.

A building was on fire where people were struggling to escape before they ran out of time.

MAVIS: Holy Rabies!

ERICKA: Those poor people! Someone has to do something about this!

Back at the hotel....
Dracula was at the front desk giving the hotel guests their respective room keys and that's when Johnny came in to the scene still wearing his new glasses.

DRACULA: Hello, Johnny. What brings you here today?

JOHNNY: Hey, Drac. I'm actually looking for Mavis. Have you seen her anywhere?

DRACULA: She's at the village with Ericka. If I were you, I would just let them bond without any interruptions.

JOHNNY: Oh, that seems nice. At least they'll get to know each other more before the wedding.

Nearby, the zombie bellhops were carrying luggage and it was so big that one zombies tripped to the ground and its head detached.

While Johnny was still talking to Dracula, his gut tells him that something was coming closer to him. His inner mind was telling that danger is getting close to him. Like.... his senses was tingling.

Before Dracula could even react, Johnny extended his arm quickly and caught the incoming zombie head. Dracula was really impressed at the boy's actions.

JOHNNY: I got it.

DRACULA: Nice catch.

JOHNNY: Thanks.

Before anything could happen again, the news appeared on the lobby's flat screen television broadcasting the burning building at the human village.

A panic look crossed on Dracula and Johnny's faces knowing that Mavis and Ericka could be in danger.

DRACULA: Oh no no no! We have to find Mavis and Ericka as soon as possible, NOW!

JOHNNY: I'm right behind you!

Dracula and Johnny drove the hearse and headed to the human village to make sure that Mavis and Ericka are safe.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

- Who do you guys think are the 2 mystery persons?

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