Chapter 8: Distance

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- I gotta say writing chapter 12 and 13 was fun to do because I added some surprises in the story and I hoped you enjoyed those when we get there.

Hotel Transylvania...
Dracula went over to Ericka's room to check on her but she wasn't responding when Dracula knocked on the door a couple of times. He also noticed that Ericka's door wasn't locked so he went in.

DRACULA: Ericka? Honey, are you in there?

ERICKA: Oh sorry, Drac. I didn't hear you knocking. I was actually busy with the packing and stuff.

Ericka was packing up some pile of clothes in her suitcase which made Dracula confused on what his fiancée was up to.

DRACULA: What are doing?

ERICKA: I'm going to stay with my grandfather then I'm coming back with him for the wedding.

This actually surprised Dracula as he widened his eyes in shock. He didn't like the idea of Ericka staying away for a bit.

DRACULA: What?! But Ericka, the wedding is within a week. You can't leave now.

ERICKA: Trust me, sweetie. I don't want to leave, too, but I still need to check up on my grandfather. Besides, I heard that it's bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding.

DRACULA: (*sigh) I guess you're right. Mavis and Johnny did the same before their wedding. I'm always used on seeing you everyday.

ERICKA: Don't worry, Drac. It'll be worth the wait. I'll call you every night.

DRACULA: At least let me take you there with the hearse just to make sure you're safe.

ERICKA: Aww... sure, sweetie.

Ericka said in lovely tone as she kissed Dracula on the lips.

While Dracula drove Ericka off to her grandfather, Johnny and Mavis were in their suite with Dennis trying to find a good movie to watch on their television.

While Mavis was switching the channel, it ended up on a news channel that Johnny was familiar of.

JOHNNY: Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Not this guy again.

It was the DailyBugle.Net where the person operating the channel keeps ranting negative thoughts about Spider-Man.

JAMESON: Spider-Man! A psychopath wielding powers he has no rights to possess! Trying to pass himself off as a hero! Well let me tell you something, kid: you're no hero! You are a criminal! A MENACE! And the good people in this planet will squash you like the big you are!

Johnny left out a sighed of frustration as he placed his palm down to his face. Mavis noticed her husband's annoyance.

MAVIS: You alright?

JOHNNY: Yeah, I'm okay. I feel kinda annoyed sometimes whenever I see Jonah Jameson rant about the small stuff.

Johnny's annoyance was replaced when they heard a knock on the door. Mavis muted the television and checked who was knocking.

Because the television was muted, Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis were not aware on the breaking news about 5 super dangerous villains escaped from a maximum security back at New York.

Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis, opened the door only to find a saddened Dracula standing in front of them.

MAVIS: Dad? What brings you here tonight?

DRACULA: Hello, my sweet fangs. Is it okay for you and Johnny if I stay here tonight?

MAVIS: What's the matter, dad?

DRACULA: Nothing, it's just that Ericka is staying at her grandfather before the wedding. I don't feel like sleeping in my coffin alone tonight.

JOHNNY: Of course, Drac! You're welcome to sleep here tonight!

This made Dracula smile a little and made Dennis more excited.

DENNIS: Mommy! Daddy! Can Papa Drac sleep in my room tonight!

MAVIS: (*giggle) Sure, honey. You and Papa Drac can have a sleepover.

As the night goes on, Dennis enjoyed his Papa Drac sleeping in his room with him while Mavis and Johnny were in their respective room trying to get some sleep on their bed.

MAVIS: You know what could be fun?


MAVIS: After Dad and Ericka's wedding, how about we take a vacation as well? Just the two of us.

JOHNNY: Hmm... that sounds nice. Any idea where to go?

MAVIS: I really miss Hawee-wee, but a part of me wants to visit Paris. Maybe a little tour on the Eiffel Tower. What do you think?

JOHNNY: I'm okay with either. I'll just have to roll with it.

Mavis giggled as she loved hearing Johnny saying his motto. Hearing Mavis' giggle with his vampire hearing, Dracula yelled out that the young couple might be doing something 'intimate' at the other room.

DRACULA: Please don't do anything while I'm here, okay! I can hear you both.

An annoyed Mavis sighed as she shouted back at her dad while Johnny just blankly stared at Mavis while blushing a little.

MAVIS: Nothing is happening in here, dad! I can assure! Goodnight and sweet dreams!

DRACULA: Good! Just checking and goodnight!

Dracula heard it loud and clear. Even though Mavis was already married, she was still daddy's little girl. Mavis turns back to Johnny, who was still blushing a bit, and smirked at her husband.

MAVIS: (*whisper) Maybe we'll just keep it down a little?

This made Johnny chuckled and placed a quick goodnight kiss on Mavis' cheek.

JOHNNY: Goodnight, Mavy.

All Johnny wanted was a goodnight sleep on a comfortable bed with Mavis.

What a shame that Johnny never got to learn about the 5 escapees back at New York. The 5 escapees were Aleksei Sytsevich, Adrain Toomes, Mac Gargan, Max Dillon, and Otto Octavius.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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