Chapter 9

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The next morning, we were up before the sun was. For the next hour, the house was a blur of activity. Everyone was running around everywhere, scrambling to get what they needed for us to get to the station in time.

Finally, Fred stopped me at the top of the stairs. "It's time to go, I can help you with your trunk if you want."

I smiled. "That would be great, thanks!"

"I'll go get George."

A minute later, I was following the two of them across their lawn to the small Ford Anglia. "Dud, are we going?" George yelled to Mr. Weasley, who was lugging Ginny's trunk outside.

"We're waiting for your sister and Harry." He replied, nearly missing tripping over a chicken as he joined us. "You three better get in the car." He suggested.

"Alright." Fred raced to the other side of the car and flung open the door.

"Move over, Percy," George demanded, jumping into the car.

"You can go." Fred offered, holding the door for me. "George wasn't sometimes to get in the car until after you did." He added.

George laughed. "Whoops."

So that's how I ended up sitting next to both the twins on the way there. Neither of them had mentioned me and Harry's argument. They were even acting like they never heard it. But judging from the look they gave my brother when he took his seat in front of me, they weren't forgetting it any time soon.

I had thought we were going straight to the station, but we ended up going back to the Burrow three times. Once for Fred to get his broomstick;  another for George to retrieve his Filibuster fireworks he had left in the Weasleys kitchen; and lastly, Ginny demanded we go back for her diary. I don't know why, but the diary gave me an odd feeling. That it didn't belong in a family like theirs.

Pretty weird, isn't it?

I mean, it's not as though the journal could have any thoughts or emotions. It wasn't as though someone else had put their life story- or maybe even their life, if that was even possible- inside of it. I mean, it's a diary. An inanimate object.

As in, it's a stupid book and I need to stop thinking that it's suddenly just going to come to life and start writing back to you. Telling you to do stuff like try to take over the entire Witch and Wizard population and kill all the mudbloods. Now that would be weird.

Would it not?


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