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They're pointless.

The written part of the exams were first and as soon as McGonagal handed one to me, my head started spinning. I read the first question and i immediately knew the answer.

I hadn't had time to study, but i somehow knew all the answers. I raised my hand and McGonagal nodded. "Proffesor," my voice echoed in the silent room. Everyone else was waiting for her to say we could start,  but now they were all turned to me. Harry had raised his eyebrow. "Um, i already know all the answers." I said quietly.

"That's nice that you studied, Margo, dear."

She thought i meant that i had studied and that's how i knew them. But what i meant was that my annoying talent of seeing the future also let me see the answers. Which, in a way, is a form of cheating. Which could get you in serious trouble.

My brother and my best friend had gotten detention a few weeks ago and there was no way i was going to follow that example.

"No, but what i mean is-"

"Margo, you will do fine on the test."

And that got me to be quiet.

The day exams ended, i was sitting in a corner of the Gryffindor common room. Fred and George were still outside with Lee Jordan, but I didn't mind. I was reading in my own world anyways.

That's how i knew about my brothers plan for trying to save the stone that night.

I had never planned on joining him to the third floor corridor to begin with. But here's exactly what happened.

At dinner, Fred and George were talking about their exams and they asked me about my exam. "It was pretty easy." I said, barely paying attention.

I was too busy watching my brother, who was watching the Head Table. i realized that Dumbledore was gone and for half a second, i saw a short lady with brown hair, wearing all pink, sitting in his seat instead. But then she was gone as well.

I was the last person to leave the Great Hall that night.

I decided to find the mirror again. Ever since i had seen that little girl in the mirror, i couldn't stop thinking about it. Or the fact that i wanted to find Voldemort even more.

The faster i found him, i assumed that i wouldn't be seeing the future anymore.  I am so tired of it.

The mirror wasn't in the room anymore. It had been taken out and now the dark room was empty.

I now knew that i would never see my family ever again. They were gone and it was all because of Voldemort.

I was almost one hundred percent sure he was still alive. Maybe not completely alive. I mean, after killing so many people, that would be enough to completely change someone.

The problem is that i don't know where he could be.

I doubt that he would have left the country.  He probably doesn't have enough energy.

He'd have to take power from something. Or maybe someone else. Most likely a wizard, someone who is too weak to say no, but desperately wants power.

That still leaves hundreds of wizards to choose from.

But then i realized who it was.

It was Quirrell. I can't believe i didn't realize that those red eyes were supposed to be Voldemort's.

It all makes since now. Because Quirrell is weak, but he still seeks power.

Voldemort is trying to regain power as well and I'm sure that Quirrell is going to die the second Voldemort gets what he wants.

"Little Firstie!" Peeves said happily,  rising up from the floor in front of me.

That's when i realized i had been sitting on the floor. I had a massive head ache but i still smiled when i saw him.

"There's trouble on  the third floor corridor again! At first i thought it was the Bloody Baron, but then i saw him on the way up here."

"What's your point?"

"I think your brother is about to get himself killed- or worse expelled!"

Margo PotterWhere stories live. Discover now