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An hour later, I'm looking at myself in my bathroom mirror. This doesn't make any sense. I know for a fact that the school year ended.
But I don't remember anything past meeting Tom Riddle back in October. It's completely erased from my memory. It's like I have amnesia or something. All I know is that after I met him, I got knocked out or something and well, I don't think I was really here after that point.
But I'm back now and this isn't adding up.
How could I have possibly forgotten eight months?
My head is killing me.
I press my hand into my forehead and that's when I see the bandage wrapped around my wrist where my scar is. Before I can stop myself, I'm racing down the stairs, to my brothers cupboard. Thankfully, the Dursley's are out tonight so they can't intertupt this. "Harry, what the heck is this?" I yell, pulling open the door to his "room".
"What's what?" He asks, looking up from one of the spell books he's technically not supposed to have. "Oh that." A layer of dust puffs out of his book as he closes it and pushes it aside. "Um, yeah, about that- wait, you don't remember?"
"No." I blurt out. I wasn't  supposed to say that.
He nods his head slowly, like I'm making it up. "Um, well, as you know, Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets."
I actually didn't know that, but now was not the time to point this out.
My brother stopped. "Wait, you're serious? You really don't remember what you did?"
I shake my head, which I realize a second too late makes me feel dizzy. Leaning against the door frame, I try to calm down. "Just tell me what happened, Harry."
He carefully pushes past me and leads me into the kitchen. "There was a Basilisk-"
"One of those snake things."
"Right." He confirms as he bites into an apple. He takes longer than is neccasary to finish chewing. "So the Basilisk was in the Chamber of Secrets and you were there and Ginny was there and-"
"Where were you?"
Harry nods but then stops himself. "Oh wait. I mean no."
I stare at my brother. "Harry, what does that even mean?"
He shakes his head. "Margo, I- none of us really know what happened exactly."
My head is killing me.
I slowly take the chair at the counter and press my palm onto my forehead. "Harry, what is going on?" I demand.
"Margo, you um- you saw the Basilisk. As in, you looked right in its eyes."
I look up and realize he's dead serious.
"But that kills you." I mumble.
"It's supposed to." He corrects.
"But I'm still here" I note.
"Yeah, that's the problem."
"I'm supposed to be dead."
"Well, when you say it like that -"
I look up at my brother. His green eyes that match my own. I can already tell how my brother feels. He's so very thankful that I'm alive, but at the same time, he doesn't understand how I survived.
"When did it happen?"
"After I got there-"
"Which was when?"
"The night you and Ginny went missing- we saw a message on the wall of a corridor-"
"What was the message?" I ask, already guessing what it might be.
My brother looks away from me and mumbles, "'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever.'"

Margo PotterWhere stories live. Discover now