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Snow. I woke up one morning in the middle of December, to find the entire grounds covered in it. Christmas was coming and for the first time ever, i couldn't be happier.

At the Dursleys, Christmas was somewhat dull and not grand at all.

That would never be as magnificent as what Hogwarts had to offer.

The morning of the first snow, Fred and George had me go outside with them. "Ever had a snowball fight?" George asked as the two of them began packing snow into their hands in unison.

"No." I admit.

"Well, first you need a snowball." Fred says as he hands me one.

"Now we need someone to throw it at." George instructed.

Someone ran down the front steps of the Entrance Hall, cloak following their lead. He had a purple turban and was obviously trying not to be seen.

My mind began spinning when i saw his turban. I hadn't given it much thought since Halloween, but come to think of it, why had there been red eyes under his turban to begin with. They had reminded me of Voldemort, but we all know that he can't really be back. I mean, he was killed because his spell back fired when he tried killing my twin. People can't come back from the dead. Once they're gone, there's no coming back. Unless you're a ghost of course, but i think we would have known by now if he was one.

Then what else could possibly be under the turban? I don't think he would wear it to make a fashion statement. Or maybe he just doesn't want to be seen bald. Yeah, that's probably it. I mean, why worry about a wizard that's probably dead anyways? Even if he was still alive, he wouldn't want is head on the back of a teachers. That would get extremely boring.

I snapped back to reality in time to hear Fred counting down from three, on one we all threw our snowballs at the turban.

Or at least i attempted too. With my mind somewhat preoccupied it was kind of difficult.

Proffessor Quirrell abruptly turned around and had us go back inside with them, clearly mad at us. He lead us all the way to McGonagals study and explained what had happened, stuttering on every other word. He left as soon as he was done, fixing his turban on the way out.

"Proffessor, it was just a little snowball fight, no big." George said innocently.

"The two of you have no respect for anyone. All you care about is having fun." She looked from Fred to George. Her eyes completely skipping over me. "I might as well be giving the three of you detention."

"Proffessor, i think it's unlogical to be giving Margo detention." Fred said.

"And why not?" McGonagal asked impatiently.

" Christmas is next week-" George reasoned, ignoring her question.

"Can we please have just a small break since it's a holiday?" They both asked together.

"Well, i suppose-"

She was cut off by Proffessor Snape, who came into her office, still limping. "Dumbledore said he needs to speak with you about the stone-" he looked at the three of us, "Never mind, but he said it was urgent." And he swept out of the room.

"I'll worry about you three later." McGonagal said quickly, waving us out of the room and going down an empty corridor.

As we walked to back to the Gryffindor common room, i couldn't help but notice what Snape had said. He had mentioned a stone and something told me it was the same one that was mentioned in my dream.
  Christmas morning, i woke up to my empty dormitory.  I was both exhausted and excited. My cat was looking curiously at a small pile of packages at the end of my bed. It took me a bit longer than it should have for me to realize they were my  presents. A thought occured to me, trying to figure out how on earth the presents could appear in my room. Obviously, the owls couldn't bring them in and I'm the only one in my dormitory, so it's not like Hermione or Lavender could have gotten them. Something told me there wasn't a spell for this either.

Margo PotterWhere stories live. Discover now