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Most of you are probably going to skip this, which is understandable considering my own voice will never live up to anyone's expectations.
But I just wanted to thank you guys. Thank you so much for everything, this has definitely been a heck of a ride.
Thank you reading my fanfic.
Thank you for enduring the waits between updates (again, super sorry that it takes me so long, but I've been really busy because of family things, yay).
And most of all, thank you for even clicking on my fanfic to begin with. Thank you to everyone who has been here since day one and thank you to anyone who has just entered into Margo's world.
As an aspiring author, it means the world to me when even one person votes or comments or anything, really.
But you guys truly went way past anything I ever could have imagined. I put this story up June of 2014, and over a year later, it has a little over 14k reads. This means the world to me. Thank you guys so very much. I wouldn't be anywhere without you.
I will always remember you guys no matter what.
- J

Margo PotterWhere stories live. Discover now