Chapter 18

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My eyes fly open, expecting light to be flooding into the room I'm in. Instead, a stinging darkness looks back at me and I don't feel like I'm in a room because my shoulder is pressed against something flat and cold. My knees pushed against my chest, my arms around them. Barely skimming my knuckles is what feels like the same surface hitting my back.
After some effort, I push my elbows away from my legs and they jam into two other matching sides.
I'm trapped.
Oh no. No, no, no, no.
I'm starting to hyperventilate.
Calm down, Margo. Calm down.
Breathe, Margo, breathe.
It's not working. It's not working.
Finally, I can't take it anymore. "Help!" I hear myself screaming before I can stop myself.
I'm barely able to hit my fist against the space in front of me. "Fred! George!  Somebody please help me! I can't breathe!" That's not true at all, I can breathe. There's still air in here. But my fear is taking over and my heart is beating too fast and I feel so very light headed. "I can't breathe! Please save me!" I scream again.
Only this time, my voice gradually grows fainter. Until I go to repeat the last line again.
That's when I allow my fear to take over.
That's when my body can't take it anymore.
That's when I lose consciousness.

Margo PotterWhere stories live. Discover now