Chapter 4

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The Stupid Dream

I was sitting in a tree, in a dark forest when I heard the sound of running feet coming towards me. But they didn't sound like people, by the sound of it, they were huge and they were gaining quickly. The ground shook as if the advancing creatures were creating an earthquake and I fell out of the tree.

My arm took most of the impact and pain immediately shot through my arm and my scar. It took some effort, but I pushed myself up and realized the running had stopped. Curious, I looked up and fear crept through me. Standing a few feet away was the biggest spider I had ever seen in my entire life- it had to have been bigger than a small car. But the worst part was what- sorry, correction- who,  was standing next to the arachnid.

"Voldemort." I said quietly, as I scrambled up and started backing away without knowing where I was going. Or how Voldemort could be here when he looked so.... weak.

He had a vicious grin and he spun his wand in his hand like it was a drumstick. "So nice to see you again." He said it like we were friends.

I suddenly became aware of my surroundings and logic finally made it's way to my brain. I looked at the spider and then the plethora of trees around us. "Where am I?" The last thing I remembered was that I had been playing quidditch with the Weasleys and my brother in the backyard of the Burrow. We had had gone back into their home well after midnight, all of us exhausted. But that still doesn't explain how I got here.

Voldemort smiled with a creepy smirk. "Margo, I haven't got the faintest idea of why you're here." He said, taking a step forward, his cloak catching on a loose twig. The spider stayed planted in its spot, not doing anything but staring at me with red eyes that matched Voldemorts. I had never had a fear of spiders, but since childhood I still tried to avoid them.

I started to grab my wand from my back pocket but all I got was thin air. I looked up and Voldemort flipped a wand in the air. A second wand-mine- was in his other hand. Gripped tightly. "Give it back." Forgetting how powerful he was, I crossed the space between us until I could almost take back my wand.

Voldemort immediately brought it up in front of me and held it up to point at my nose. "You are a bit of trouble aren't you?" I had to cross my eyes in order to see what was rightfully mine but I didn't try to take it. "I suppose," he continued,  tossing his own wand behind him carelessly, "I could kill both of you." I looked at him confused. "You and the boy."


"You'll go first." He pushed me back and I hit the forest floor, losing my breath in the process. My head was spinning and my entire back burned. I heard a crunching noise and looked up to see the spider noiselessly walking towards me. Terrified, I stayed in place until it was a few feet from me.

"I suppose my business is done." Voldemort broke my wand in two and then disappeared into thin air. Then I realized what the spider was about to do and I screamed.

"Margo!" My eyes flew open and I realized that that horrifyingly confusing experience was only a dream. Even though my scar still hurt and I couldn't get that burning fear of the giant arachnid to go away.

"Margo!" Said a second voice, as both of the twins appeared in the room I had been sharing with Ginny.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" George asked, picking his way through his sisters messy room and sitting down in front of me.

"We were just upstairs-" Fred started.

"But we thought-" George paused for a second, but his twin didn't continue like he usually does, so George continued himself,  "Did you uh- happen to scream?" He asked awkwardly.

I sat up and tried to act casual. "I just saw a spider. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you guys."

Both of their shoulders relaxed. Geez. I didn't think they were that worried.

Fred was the first one to stand up and he offered me his hand, "Come on, we should probably go eat." I stood up, grateful that they could help cheer me up so easily. If only I could tell them the whole story. But there is no way they would believe me. I could hardly believe- or understand- it myself. All I know is what I figured out a few months ago- that for some reason Voldemort wants my brother dead. And he will do anything to do it.

"Good morning, Margo," Mrs. Weasley smiled as she poured scrambled eggs and sausage onto my plate.

"Good morning." I said back, not bothering to touch my food as I looked around the breakfast table at the Weasley family.

Mr. Weasley and my twin were in conversation about a muggle postal service, when he suddenly looked up and said, "We got your Hogwarts letters." He nodded at three identical yellow pieces of parchment that were perched against a salt and pepper shaker.

The twins and I grabbed them and started to read them to ourselves. It was our school supply list. And every book but one was written by someone named Gilderoy Lockhart. I had never heard of him, but something about his name gave me an uneasy feeling. But I ignored it, convincing myself that my mind was still on my dream.

"Hmm." George said, setting his letter on the table, "Gilderoy Lockhart. Isn't he the new-"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Fred agreed. "Bit of a funny name."

"That won't come cheap." George said, shaking his head and grabbing the marmalade out of Ronald's hands as he started to spread it on his food.

Fred nodded in agreement. "Lockhart's books aren't cheap, Mum."

Mrs. Weasley shook her head in disbelief. "You two." She scolded.

"I suppose we'll be going to Diagon Alley?" Ginny piped up excitedly.

"Oh yeah." George agreed excitedly.

Fred rubbed his hands together. "Time to bring out the floo powder, Mum!"

All three Weasley brothers jumped up from the table excitedly and my twin and I started to follow.

"Margo, dear, aren't you hungry?" Mrs. Wesley looked worriedly at my mostly untouched plate.

Honestly, I was hungry, but after my dream, I felt like I would be sick if I ate anything.  So I simply smiled and said, "I'm full. Thanks though." Then I raced out of the kitchen.

Margo PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora