Chapter 11

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Okay, fine, whatever. I'll be perfectly honest.
I have no idea what's going on right now. And if someone told me I was going crazy or something, I would be the last one to deny it. Another thing, I hate this. I hate all of it. So much.
Why, you may ask? Let me tell you a thing called 'I have a stupid 'gift' of seeing the future. And whenever I accidentally say something that I predicted, people- even my own friends and my brother- give me a weird look like I should be in an asylum or something'. Ha. As if.
Before I ever opened my Hogwarts letter, I had only seen three futures, even though I didn't know what they were at the time. Two of them were of people, which is kind of a given. But the last one- which I had seen on my ninth birthday- was just plain weird. Okay, let's go back to that moment.
It was a Saturday night, my birthday party was nearly over. I had never asked for a party, but my aunt insisted. So over 30 nine and ten year olds were downstairs in the kitchen. My brother was locked in his cupboard and one could only guess where Dudley was.
I had long since hidden myself in the bathroom. I would have been in my room, but it didn't have a lock (sigh). Bored out of my mind, I was building a fort out of towels. That is what other muggle children did, right? Wait. It was just me? Oh....
Anyways, I was five or six feet up, when I lost balance and tumbled off the stack. The towels came crashing down and I whacked my head against the door and I blacked out for like half a second.
I cautiously stood up and inspected myself in the mirror. I screamed when I looked into the glass. Realizing I didn't want to draw attention to myself, I slapped my head over my mouth and looked at my reflection again. There was me: frizzy hair, dark green eyes, and then the knot that was forming on my forehead. But there was a dog behind me. It had shaggy black fur and was staring at me intently. I whipped around to face it, but there had been nothing there, save for the wall (duh). I started to freak out, because this is what happens in all those stories, right before something bad happens.
The dog shook his wet fur and I jumped when I realized actual water hit me. Scared beyond belief, I realized the dog at a collar. I leaned over the counter to try to read it. The words were reversed in the mirror and the dog was too jumpy to stand still.
The letters blurred together, but this is what I had gotten from it: "'Sherlock Block?'" I said to myself.
"Talking to yourself, again, Margo?" I hadn't even realized the bathroom door had opened until I looked up to see Keli smirking from the doorway. She picked her way past the towels until she stood next to me. "Oh, I get it, you're talking to mirrors. As if your weirdo brother isn't enough for one family." She laughed and then saw my expression. "Calm down, Potter it was only a joke. Gosh, stop acting so freaked."
"You don't see it?!" I blurted.
Keli scrunched her nose and looked back in the mirror. "All I see is a freak who will never fit in- oh wait, it's just you!"

"How do you not see it?!" George exclaimed, jerking me out of my memories and back into reality- if that's even a thing anymore....
Fred and I both looked out the compartments window in unison. My jaw dropped when I saw what George had meant. Remember last year, when I saw that mini "future" of that flying car?
Yeah. That's kind of next to the train right now. And the worst part? My idiot brother's in it. Exactly like how I predicted earlier. As if I hadn't been freaked out enough lately...
"No way!" Fred says.
"They're so dead." The three of us turn at the sound of Hermiones voice and she nods at us. "Did you three put them up to this?"
"Oh yeah, because I'm totally for my brother flying a car through the air." I mutter.
"I was only asking." Hermione says quietly, sounding slightly offended.
"Why are you even in here?"
She doesn't reply at first. It's almost like she doesn't know the answer. "I only wanted to see if you knew where Ron- and um- Harry were. But it appears they're preoccupied-"
"Goodbye." I interrupted, waving her away.
The twins laughed after she left.
"You handled that well." George told me.
"Was I too harsh?"
Fred shook his head. "You were fine-"
"A little sass is cool." George put in, nodding.
It's April first, which is also Fred & George's birthday! :)

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