Chapter 6

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Draco's Family

I went to Gringotts as soon as I got back to Diagon Alley. I hadn't found my brother or the Weasleys, so I realized that I was on my own for the time being.

I did notice, however, that a couple handfuls of galleons were missing from our vault. So I knew that Harry had already been here. I wondered if he was even worried about my absence or if he would even care if anything bad had happened to me.

"Excuse me," I said to the goblin as we rode back up towards the entrance of the bank. "Did you happen to see Harry Potter?" I asked, my voice growing louder over the cart that was racing across the train tracks.

The goblin looked at me with its usual blank expression. He grunted in response.

"Um, was that a yes?"

He blinked so I rushed onward.

"Because he's my brother and I kind of lost him back in Knockturn Alley and-" the cart came to a screeching stop and the goblin stood up without saying anything. "But-"

He pointed toward the exit and defeated, I trooped back out into the blinding sun.

Okay, so that didn't work.

Maybe I need a Plan B?

"Margo!" I snapped out of my planning and turned around to see Draco running towards me.

"Hey!" I said back as I hugged him. Like before, it took him a second to accept the hug and when he stepped back he smiled.

"I sent you a letter over break." He told me.

I looked away, not wanting to tell him about his house elf coming to talk to Harry and I. Because that would not go very well. So instead I thought of the closest thing to the truth that I could.

"Oh, um, my Aunt didn't um- let us read our letters." That's close enough to the truth. I think.

Draco looked at me confused.

"Their-" I paused, trying to think of the proper word. "Muggles."

"Oh." Draco nodded in understanding and then gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry to hear about that."

What's so bad about them being muggles?!

"Draco!" His parents walked through the crowd of people until they were standing next to him.

"Hello Margo." His mom said, looking at me like she didn't know what to think of me.

His dad looked around confused. "Where are your-" he paused and I knew he had been about to ask about my parents. He cleared his throat. "You're here on your own?" He corrected, looking at me confused.

"No, sir." I replied. "I'm here with Harry and the Weasley family."

The entire Malfoy family didn't look thrilled when I mentioned the Weasley's but they tried to hide it. I continued quickly, trying to cover my error. Also making a mental note to not mention them again. "I lost them on my way here. I just got back from Knockturn Alley." I finished.

Draco brightened. "We were just there. At Borgin & Burkes. Right father?"

His dad stiffened, "We should be going." He said, leading his son away.

"Margo, we're going to Flourish  and Blotts. You can come with us." Draco offered as I hurried to catch up with my best friend.

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