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Currently you and Gus are discussing more about your project, after you finished your other one yesterday, you were given an extra one for doing excellent on your other since some of the other students are taking some more days to work on it.

Your currently trying to learn how to do a Meadow, which is more difficult since they stretch really far. The 2 of you planned on hanging out at your place after school to work on it. And now the 2 of you were in your way to your home.

Before you knew it you arrived at your place, and your mother happened to be home.

"Hey Y/n, whos this?" She smiles.

"Oh this is my friend Gus, we're gonna be working on a project for illusion if it's okay." You ask.

"Of course, come right in, and make yourself at home Gus." She smiles.

"Thank you ms. L/N!" Gus grins.

"Do you want any snacks you too?" She asks.

"I'd love some!" Gus exclaims.

"Perfect, I have some freshly made fairy tarts I made a few minutes ago." She says pulling them out.

"Ooh!!" Gus says.

She hands some out to the both of you, snd you each grab some. Gus immediately starts digging in.

"your moms a good cook Y/N!" He says.

"Aww I'm flattered." She laughs.

"Thanks for the tarts mom, we're gonna go work upstairs if it's ok." You ask.

"Yep, have fun you guys." She says..

"Will do! Thanks ms. L/n!" Gus says.

The 2 of you make it up to your room, Gus is the first one of your friends to ever be in your house, he seems very happy.

"Wow, you got like such a cool style going on in your room I like it!" He says, sitting down on the floor.

"Thanks, I personally feel like it's a bit messy.." you chuckle.

"Not at all, trust me my rooms ten times messier." He says.

"So! A meadow, what kinda meadow should we do? A flower meadow, a grass meadow?" He asks.

"What if we made a flower one, and it was like running along a stream?" You ask.

"Pretty! Let's sketch it out!" He says, pulling a pencil from his bag, along with a paper.

The 2 of you began sketching away for the past few hours trying to make it as detailed as you could, but you had to do multiple sketches since it will be a 360 view. So it really burned you guys out.

"Okay I think we're done! Now we got to create it!" He says.

The 2 of you begin using your magic to create this meadow, you had to really really concentrate on this cause it's supposed to be really vast.

You guys tried and tried multiple times but the 2 of you failed a bunch of times, it was kinda hard, way harder than the last project.

"Ugh should we take a break?" Gus sighs.

"Probably, I didn't realize it would be this difficult." You sigh.

"Hey Y/N?" He asks.


"What got you interested in illusion in the first place?" He asks.

"I kinda regret doing illusion.. it's only like for party tricks and stuff.." he sighs.

☆ЅUℕ ℬᎾᎽ☆ (Jealous Hunter x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя