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I was currently on the couch with Savannah and Maya. We were having a movie night since all the boys were out.

It's Charlie's twenty-third birthday so they all went out to drink. Owen, Jeremy, and Charlie were all out together.

Us three were on our second movie. We were watching the whole To All the Boys movies.

We were about halfway into the movie. "I wish I could find my John Ambrose." Savannah pouted.

"Maybe you can do what Lara Jean does and write letters to your lovers." She grimaced at the way I worded that.

"I didn't like that." Maya laughed at me. We all laugh at her as we watch the movie.

As we watch, my phone started ringing. The girls turn to look at me as I look at it.

It was Jeremy. "Pause it, it's Jeremy." I pick my phone up.

Savannah pauses the movie as I answer the phone. There was a lot of noise in the background.

"Hey Jer, everything okay?" I ask. I had it on speaker so they could hear.

"I know you don't do well with alcohol but I really need you to come down here." I could hear the worry in his voice.

I look at the girls but they shrug at me. "What's going on?" I ask confused.

"Both Charlie and Owen are super drunk and this guy keeps coming over, trying to start shit." I was worried.

"Send me your location and I'll be there." I tell him while standing up.

Both girls stared at me while I hung up the call. "Woah, are you sure you're going to be okay with going?" Savannah asked worriedly.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, if I'm just picking up Owen." Maya stood up and grabbed her shoes.

"I'm coming too if Charlie's not okay." I don't fight her with it.

Savannah comes to just for the entertainment. They were at a bar in downtown so I put it in my gps.

I didn't want anything to happen to Owen so I almost sped there. "Okay, speed racer, we're going to to get there." Maya spoke.

"I know, but still." It took me about twenty minutes to get there.

Maya and Savannah had to stay in the car. I showed the bouncer my fake id and he lets me in.

I scan the bar and see Jeremy. He sees me coming to him and walks to me.

"Where are they?" I ask in his ear knowing it's loud. "They're at the bar." He takes me to them.

They were standing at the bar with some big guy talking to them.

"Will you just leave us alone dude?" Owen asked him. I could tell he was drunk.

"Not until your friend here pays for the drink he spilt." I could tell my adrenaline was kicking cause I wasn't even scared.

I go in between Owen and Charlie causing them to look. "They asked you to leave them alone you stupid yobbo." I speak up.

The man looked at me shockingly and pissed off. "What the fuck did you just call me?" He asked pissed off.

I felt Owen lace our fingers together. "I called you a dumbass. You have a problem?" I ask sticking up for the boys.

He saw me and Owen holding hands and looked at him.

"You need to get your bitch under control." I drop my jaw towards him. "What did you call me?" I ask getting in his face.

"Tate, quit!" Charlie held me back. "No, say it again!" I yell.

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