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Today was going to be a good day. Charlie, Maya, Owen, and myself are going to the water park.

We wanted a redo since we got kicked out of the one on the cruise ship. I think we were going to do the same thing, and do tricks.

I was excited. But I knew we were going to get kicked out. Charlie is driving us there since it was his idea.

Charlie and Maya rode in the front while Owen and I sat in the back. "So, what's going to happen if we get kicked out?" Maya asked.

Charlie started laughing like the answer was obvious. "We go to another one, duh." I laughed in the back.

Today was a really pretty day. It was sunny, little to no clouds in the sky. It was also supposed to be really hot today.

I made sure to bring extra sunscreen so Owen won't get burnt. We get to the water park and grab everything we need.

We go inside the water park to see it packed. Kids, families, teenagers.

We sit our things down on some pool chairs. There was a middle aged woman sitting next to us so we asked her to watch our things.

She said she would so we thank her and head to the slide. We go to the tallest slide and they gave us double floats.

Charlie and Maya got together while Owen and I got on one. Charlie and Maya went ahead of us.

"Are you ready? This goes fast." The lifeguard informs us. I was sitting in front of Owen. It went a lot faster than I thought.

It was a great way to start the day. Owen and I went down it again. We tried to flip it but it didn't work.

When we got done, we had to exit through the lazy river. Owen got in the tube and bent down in the shallow part.

"It's too shallow." Owen tells me as he tries to stand up. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Help me, please." There was panic in his voice. "Police?" It sounded like he said police so I looked around worriedly.

"Screw you too." He teased. I look behind me to see a bunch of kids lined up.

He finally stood up causing us to go to another slide. We go to one that only has a single rider float.

Owen and I got separated and I was behind Charlie. We were in a straight line, going upwards.

I decided to mess with Charlie and start rubbing my foot on Charlie's head. He jerked his head which made me laugh.

The lifeguard started flicking water on Charlie as he turned around. "Everyone's messing with you dude." I laugh.

He leaned his head back so he could talk to me. I put my foot on his face making him raise his head back upwards.

He wiped his face and didn't say anything about it. "I know you hated that one because you didn't say anything." I laugh.

Maya turned around and asked if Charlie was okay. He just shook his head as he took a breath.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. That one was super fun to go down. The next one was a double float so we wanted to try something.

As we were riding down, we were going to try to switch spots. Maya and I rode this one together.

When we started going down, we started switching spots. Maya accidentally rammed her elbow into me causing me to fall off the float.

I rode the rest of the way down on my back in a fit of laughter. "Are you okay?" Maya asked when we got down.

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