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It's been a couple days since I've relapsed and I've been keeping myself busy.

I've asked for extra hours at work, which once I explained it they were all for it. And when I'm not at work I'm with someone.

I've spent a lot of time with Owen. He's been absolutely great. Today, he wants me to meet Savannah, his costar.

The same girl I thought he was dating. I was pretty nervous about it honestly.

I think we were going to dinner and a movie. I asked Owen if he wanted to bring Charlie, but he said he was cool with it being us three.

I was currently in my room straightening my hair. I had just gotten back from work so I had to quickly change.

I had on a black cami, light colored jeans with holes in them, and a flannel. When I get my hair done, I put my vans on.

Owen was picking me up so I had to quickly do my makeup. Right when I got done, Owen was walking in.

"Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!" He cheered when he came in.

"Oi, oi, oi!" I cheer in return. It's something I had taught Owen and now whenever we first see each other, we do the chant.

He came into my room and flopped on my bed. He had on comfy shorts with a t-shirt. He had his hair down with a hat.

I put my make up away as he laid there. "Tate, are you okay?" He asked. I looked over at him.

He was laying on my bed but he had his elbows propped up so he could see me.

I fake a smile as I look at him. "Yeah, perfect." I lie to him.

He rose an eyebrow towards me. "I know you, what's the matter?" I sigh as I put my makeup up.

"I'm just nervous I guess." I admit to him. He softens up as he looks at me.

"Hey. You've got nothing to worry about. Since you love me, you'll love Savannah." I scrunch my nose towards him.

"Who said I loved you?" I tease. He dropped his jaw as I laughed.

I went over to him and took his hat off his head. "Come on, dork. We'll be late." I mess up his hair.

He groaned as he stood up. "You're lucky I don't mess your hair up." He grabbed his hat out of my hands.

I looked at him as he put it back on. "Yeah, I'll have to fight you if you do that." I laugh.

We walk out of my apartment side by side. "So what movie are we watching?" I ask curious.

He hasn't told me yet. "It came out a couple days ago, but In the Heights. I hope you don't mind." I've heard the movie before.

I've seen trailers about it and it looks pretty good. "I've been wanting to see it anyway." He smiled when we got to his Tesla.

We started driving to Applebee's because that's where they wanted to eat at. Once there, Owen and I get out of the car.

I was feeling nervous for some reason. But I tried to not let it take over.

When we walk in, I could see Owen's eyes scan the restaurant for Savannah.

I could see him smile and start walking towards her. She was sitting alone at a booth. She stood up so she could hug Owen.

"Hey, thanks for meeting us." Owen told her as they hugged.

"Of course." When they let go, she looked over at me. She was super pretty.

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