Chap 11- Part 2 (what just happened?)

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???: Good Afternoon sir.

Mr. Choi: Good afternoon Jack. I want you to get a plane to Korea ready as soon as possible.

Jack: Sir we only have one plane which is allowed in Korea and that one was taken by Ms. Choi. It will be back by tomorrow night. Sir, will it be you who is going?

Mr. Choi: No. Mr. Choi Dulli will be going. By what time will he be able to reach there?

Jack: Sir he will reach approximately by the afternoon of the day after, day after tomorrow (3 days later)

Mr. Choi: Fine but get it back as soon as you can and make sure that you check up on Ms. Choi's companies as well since she is absent for the time being.Jack: Yes sir.

Mr. Choi: Goodbye

Jack: Goodbye Sir.


Y/n Pov:

My phone rang while Mr. Kim was speaking, cutting him off. I checked who it was and saw 'ape *with some emojis*' indicating that it was Shano. I declined the call thinking it would just be about something random about tonight's meeting and she would text me. I was about to ask Mrs. Lee to get me a glass of warm water as it is always something that helps me relax when suddenly my phone rang again. I picked up my phone annoyed and saw that Shano had called me using our SOS/ Emergency signal. I got very worried and panicked because I knew she wouldn't call me using that unless it was a big emergency. I quickly picked up and before she could say anything, I immediately said:

Y/n: Hello? What happened? (panicked)

I could tell that Shano was crying and she was struggling to find the words to speak.

Shano: (Crying) (trying to find words)

When she wasn't replying I got even more worried and fear took over me. Fear of someone I love being hurt, the fear of losing someone I love, The fact that someone I love could be in danger. I got extremely frustrated and:

Y/n: Would you speak Goddamn it!? (frustrated) (hits her fist on the table)

Shano finally spoke, she was stuttering and her voice was breaking. 

Shano: D-Du-ulli. H-e (sad; panicked)

When I heard 'Dulli' I almost lost it and when she didn't continue I got even more worried. I completely forgot that I was sitting at the table, They were all blanked out for me. All I could hear was what was happening on the other side of the phone.  I didn't want to but I ended up using my dark tone (still not the darkest just 'slightly' very dark tone) on her.

Y/n: Shano What happened to him (panicked, very dark tone)

I could tell that she was scared out of her mind because she almost screamed:

Shano: It's happening. It's happening again. (quick; panicked)

It was like my whole world stopped. Realization hit me like a truck. It was like someone just snatched my soul away from me.

I panicked immediately and I was extremely worried.

I told her to give the phone to Irti and told him to get the kit I kept for whenever Dulli had a panic attack. I asked dad to count his breathing rate for a few minutes so we could tell at what rate was he going to lose his breath. I gave dad about 4 minutes to count. His breathing was going down really fast and I became more worried and panicked. Irti finally came back and I instructed him:

Y/n: Put the phone on speaker and while I talk to him, disinfect his arm and you will find an injection syringe with a really pale brown almost clear liquid. Keep counting his breathing and inject when his breathing becomes 2 times per minute. HURRY! (extremely panicked; tears in her eyes)

Irti: Ok. I found it.

Mr. Choi: Breathing is 3 times per minute. Phone is on speaker.

I was controlling myself from crying so bad but tears were flowing down my face right now. It hurt me so badly, knowing that he was hurt so bad and I wasn't there with him.

Y/n: D-ulli (voice cracks). (clears throat) Dulls. Baby. You're ok. She's here. She's with you. She never left. She is watching you. She might not be here physically but all of us are. What happened to her wasn't your fault. No one hates you. She loved you. We love you. A lot. We're here ok? I'm here. I love you.

It took so much for me to get my voice steady but I did it because I knew I had to.  I had to be strong for dad, for Irti, for Shano, and most importantly for Dulli.

Mr. Choi: Breathing is at 2 per minute. He is choking!

When dad said that I almost felt my heart pound as if it was going to jump straight out of my chest. I

Y/n: Irti NOW!

I told Irti to inject him.

Irti: Done.

Shano: He fainted. 

When she said that I almost felt the weight off the entire sky was lifted off my shoulder and I released a breath I didn't know how long I was holding for. I collapsed in my chair. I wiped my tears and put my head on the table. 

I was still quite in shock and my head was pounding I started banging it a bit on the edge of the table. I knew that no matter how shocked I was the others were still more because they had never seen more than a really mild panic attack. I got out of my trace and said:

Y/n: are all of you ok?

Mr. Choi: We're fine Y/n. Are you ok?

I knew that I was not perfectly fine but I had to say that. I needed to be strong. I was not weak. 

Y/n: I'm fine dad.

Mr. Choi: Y/n (frowns, sad and worried tone)

Before dad could continue I asked him the question that was gnawing at the back of my head.

Y/n: Dad what happened to him? He wasn't this bad for the past 2 years? (very cold and serious tone)

Mr. Choi: I-i, H-he...

I could tell that he was lying by his tone. So as much I didn't want to.......

Y/n: Dad (scary tone)

Mr. Choi: He was worried about you and I kind of said that I should've understood him considering his past and...

It was as if time itself had stopped. My broken heart which was taped together shattered all over again. I could feel the tears burning in the back of my eyes but I held myself together as I realized that I was still sitting at the table with everyone staring at me.

Y/n: (She froze) He was worried about me? (Her breath hitched but still cold tone because she was sitting at the table) That means it's me. I'm the reason? I caused him to go back after 2 whole years? (fazed; heartbroken, dark eyes)

I wanted to kill myself. I was the reason that one of the people whom I loved more than anything in the world was hurt so bad. He went back to the dark hole which he had escaped from and it was all my fault.

Mr. Choi: Y/n, Y/n!!! No! It's not like that. It's my fault I reminded him about everything. Y/n! Can you hear me! Answer me Choi Y/n! Hello!?

I knew that if I talked to dad any longer I would break down and I did not want that to happen.

Y/n: Y-yeah. When he wakes up just give him a hug and calm him down and don't leave him alone. I'll be going now. Bye (Blank, fazed, and very cold tone)

I quickly told him that he should take care of Dulli after he wakes up and before he could say anything else I cut the call.

Mr. Choi: Y-

TPC Ends

After the phone call ended I..................

Word Count: 1235 

Double update because @PatawariShrestha wanted me to do one and I just couldn't say no!!!:)

Please give your suggestions :(



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